Crazy For You (Fluff and Smut)

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Max and Lucas both walk together while holding hands, they are both dressed for the snowy weather. Max wears black snow boots and some jeans and a coat over her, while Lucas wears sneakers jeans and a coat over them, both of them wearing mittens and beanies. Both of them talk about any and everything, releasing everything off of their chest.

Both of them can honestly say that they feel much better, both of them say things like they didn't think they would tell each other, both because of out of embarrassment and not wanting to seem so...weak. Max opens up to Lucas more about when she was trapped inside of Vecna's mind, the things that happened, the things she felt, and the things she had to do. It was hard, but the calm words of Lucas finally telling her it was over and she is the most bravest person he has ever met brings smile to Max's face. She also tells him about times in California, things she remembers about her dad, her memories before she moved her, times with her mother as well.

Lucas as well talks about different memories, whenever him and Erica had to share the same room before he finally got his on its own, how Erica always took his stuff. Funny memories that he had with Mike Dustin and Will, among many other things. Max enjoys the stories, she smiles at them, and laugh at them as well when Lucas acts out something that happened.

"Did you really?!" Max exclaims, Lucas telling Max a story on how he shoot a rock into one of his bullies eye with his slingshot back in elementary school.

"Sure did! I went..." Lucas says while pretending to be holding the slingshot in his hand. "...just the right amount of force then boom! Right in his eye!" Lucas says. "All of us could not stop laughing, but we were all so exhausted after we all ran back to Mike's house." Lucas says while smiling.

Max laughs, shaking her head. "You guys are crazy."

"Crazy awesome!" Lucas says making Max laugh harder. "We're almost there." Lucas says.

"Lucas where are you taking me?" Max questions while lightly tugging on his arm. Lucas has been smiling non stop while being extremely vague on where they were going.

"It's a surprise." Lucas responds, a smile still very evident on his face. "Okay close your eyes." Max goes to close her eyes, Lucas going behind her, putting his hands over her eyes while walking forward, Max walking forward as well. Max holds onto Lucas arms until he stops her, going to stand besides her. "Okay open now."

When Max opens her eyes she is amazed of the one big spot that is covered in ice, lights surround the area as well, the lights both white red and green, giving off the Christmas spirit. The ice is perfectly frozen, almost good enough for-

"I seem to recall that your Dad use to take you ice skating during the cold times when he didn't want you skating out in cold weather to get sick." Lucas explains.

Max looks over at Lucas, her eyes still wide in amazement. "You remember that?" Max questions, she remembers telling him that but honestly she didn't take it as a big deal, it was when she was still blind and Lucas ask her the types of throngs that she missed. That was one of the things that Max truly missed, that is why she always skates, it makes her feel somewhat free. When the wind blows her hair while letting the skates move your body, it has always been something that Max enjoyed.

"Of course I do." Lucas answers. "Shall we?"

"You want to skate?" Max questions. "I don't have any skates."

Lucas holds a finger up while he smiles, going to take the bag off his shoulders and take out two pairs of ice skates. "Only thing being...I have never in my life skated before. So looks like you have to teach me." Lucas shrugs while smiling.

Max smiles brightly, she never knew she would ever get someone who pays close attention to what she says, what she is feeling, what she is doing, everything. "Yeah, yeah I guess I'll teach you." Max says, going to sit down on the bench to take off her shoes, Lucas sitting on side of her to take off his shoes as well, both of them putting on the ice skates. Max goes to stand up, holding her hands out for Lucas. "Okay, come on." Max says.

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