Chapter Three

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"I am hungryyy!" Luffy groaned as the rest kept doing their daily activities. Chopper was showing (Y/n) some medicine books as Usopp laid on the ground next to them.
"We know. This is the 5th time you said this... in the past 10 minutes!" Sanji exclaimed from the kitchen, meanwhile Nami shook her head at their behavior, but she couldn't deny the hunger she was feeling the whole time.

"We will soon arrive in Nanohama and then you can go and eat something." Vivi said as she was looking at the port town in the distance, excited to see her country again. But the nagging feeling of worry ate her up as she remembered the talk her and (Y/n) had the night before, about all the fights, misery and hunger all across Alabasta. She swore to herself she will bring peace to the country, for her sake and the sake of everyone in the country.

"Do they have meat there?!" Luffy jumped up, surprising (Y/n) with his sudden burst of energy.
"They do." The girl answered as the boy jumped around in excitement.
"Is he always like this?" (Y/n) wondered, earning a nod from Usopp and Chopper.
"Yeah, tho he is a little tamer today." Usopp said, sitting up and sweat dropping at the captain's childish behavior. (Y/n) nodded and looked at Luffy for a moment, smiling softly for a moment, finding his behavior oddly adorable.

'For pirates, they surely are nothing like what I witnessed previously...'
"Hey (Y/n)!" The (h/c) girl jumped up in her spot and looked at Chopper.
'Sorry Chopper, I got a little lost. What did you ask?" The reindeer scratched his head a little in embarrasment
"I wanted to know how exactly you produce poison in you body. You mentioned it yesterday and I am a little curious now."
(Y/n) blinked for a moment, finding his shy behavior cute.

"I really don't know, ever since I ate my devil fruit it's been going on. I am guessing it modified my blood vessels in the process since the poison can usually be only found in them." She explained as Chopper nodded his head slowly, taking the information in. Just as the doctor was about to speak again, the ship shook a little and a huge shadow covered them. All 8 of them looked up in surprise as they saw a huge, white cat grinning down at them. Chopper and Usopp screamed in terror as they hid behind (Y/n), urging her to protect them.
"What are you two yelling about? It's just a sea cat." She raised an eyebrow as the snipers hold on her tightened.

"Just a sea cat?! That's a monster! Get it away from here!"
"It's a sea monster!" Chopper added as (Y/n) rolled her eyes.
"Finally!" Luffy yelled excitedly as he stared up at the animal.
"Our first meal in four days!" Zoro said just as happy, taking out his katanas.
"What?! You are not eating it!" (Y/n) protested, but the two didn't bother listening to her. The cat grew more nervous from the hungry stares and started backing away.

"Don't let it get away! We have to catch it!" Sanji yelled at them. Vivi took a mop and hit the three over the head, successfully knocking them out as the cat finally retreated back into the sea.
"(Y/n) is right, you can't eat it. In Alabasta, these animals are sacred." Vivi explained as the three whined a little.
"My lunch got away." Luffy groaned.
"Oh thank God it's gone..." Usopp sighed as he fell to his knees. Chopper, not having the energy to stand, jumped into (Y/n)'s arms, who was surprised by it.
"Huh? You like being carried?" She wondered as the reindeer chuckled nervously. (Y/n) look softened a little and she pulled the animal closer, nuzzling his cheek.

"You are quite cute!" She exclaimed, catching the attention of the rest. Vivi laughed a little, happy to see her friend relaxed after yesterday's events. Luffy pouted along with Nami at the attention Chopper was getting. Zoro huffed and looked away, not liking the jealousy that he was feeling. Sanji groaned, trying to get (Y/n)'s attention while Usopp opted to look away.

"This was a great idea, Nami. This way we will be able to tell who is who." (Y/n) commented as she covered the 'x' Usopp wrote on her arm. The orange haired girl blushed at the comment and nodded her head.
"Thank you. Now we need to keep focus on what the target is. It is especially dangerous with that Mr.2 who has our faces memorized." Nami said as (Y/n) and Vivi nodded their heads.

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