Chapter 110

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Wano arc in a nutshell:
The OP fandom on Twitter: Yamato is a man! Yamato is a woman!!

Meanwhile, Oda's household:
His wife: Give Law as many scenes as possible. Even when it doesn't make sense. I don't want to see one panel where his chest is covered, got it? I want the man of my dreams to look good!
Oda: Yes, dear. I will make him breathtaking just for you ^_^


I can't find this information right now, but does anyone remember how long Law was on Punk Hazard before the Straw Hats came? Idk why I keep thinking it's 3 months, but I am pretty sure it's wrong. I need this timeline for the post timeskip book.

Marguerite watched in amusement as Luffy, Sweetpea, and a few other women were messing and playing around during dinner, inciting amusement from the others as they cheered them on or joined in. She would have watched them for much longer if it wasn't for (Y/n) sitting down across from her.

"Ah! (Y/n)-san, does the shirt we gave to you fit? How did the talk with Habihime-sama go?"
(Y/n) smiled at the blonde as one of the women served her some of the food.
"Here! Have some a specialty of our island, gorgonzola with sea king!"
(Y/n)'s eyes lit up, and she immediately accepted the food and started eating.  Her eyes lit up as the different flavors hit her taste buds, and she grinned up at her.

"This is amazing! Thank you! Can I have some more?!"
"Of course! We made plenty!"
Marguerite laughed in amusement as she watched them before (Y/n) turned to look at her, her face heating up in embarrassment when she realized that she had ignored the warrior's questions.

"S-sorry about that! The shirt fits great! I really like the flower patterns on it. And the material is very soft too. Thank you again for your kindness." (Y/n) said while looking at the (f/c) colored garment with flowers all over it before taking a bite from her food.
"As for my talk, it went great. Luffy and I will be leaving in the morning for Sabaody. Hancock-san said that her pirates would help us get there."

Marguerite nodded her head, on one hand, happy that the two would reunite with their friends, but on the other, she was sad that they would be departing so soon. Luffy was a great guy, and (Y/n) seemed like a kind girl to her as well.
"It's kind of sad that you will leave us so soon. I feel like Ariadne and Sweetpea didn't thank you two enough for saving us earlier. If it weren't for you two, we would still be stone now."

(Y/n) quickly shook her head and tried to quickly swallow her food.
"It's nothing! If it weren't for you three, Luffy wouldn't be here to begin with. I will never forget that."
As the two continued talking, one of the women walked up to them with chopsticks stuck on her face.
"What happened to you?!" Marguerite exclaimed as (Y/n) laughed at the sight.

"Luffy showed this to us! The men seem to like sticking chopsticks in their nose and mouth and then dance with strangers! Isn't that right, (Y/n)-san?!"
The said girl looked at her oddly before looking at Luffy and the antics he was doing along with some of the women.
"Uhm... Yeah, sure." She laughed as she watched the dancing group while Marguerite looked at her in disbelief as she confirmed that.
"Wait! Seriously?!"
(Y/n) laughed some more while nodding her head.
"Yeah, sure."

Luffy, who was too enamored by the fun and food, didn't even notice (Y/n) return from her talk with Hancock until her laugh reached his ears. The boy quickly stopped and looked back at her, the noise from the other women drowning out into the background as he focused on her laugh and smile.

'(Y/n)... she looks amazing tonight... Was her laugh always so nice?' His heartbeat quickened, and he felt his cheeks heat up the more he looked at her.
"Luffy! Let us have a touch!"
"Luffy-kun, can we please touch your cheeks?!"

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