Chapter Ninety-Nine

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My brain during exams: Play that flute sound from NCT's Sticker


As (Y/n) talked to the rest of the Heart Pirates, Law was quietly looking at her as some questions arose in his mind. The main one is about her insistence on him selling her the book about Punk Hazard. While he did know that the girl had a thing for poison, and knew more about it than she lead on with her behavior, he couldn't see her as someone who would want to visit a cursed place like that island.

Especially since it was closed off and only people affiliated with the government could enter it. Law knew how hard it was to enter it, but he was working on a way to get there, and so far, everything was going well and according to his plan. But why she would need it was beyond him.

'Maybe the Straw Hats want to destroy it? They already made themselves known for defeating a Shichibukai and the incident on Enies Lobby. Well, I can't let them enter that place before I finish my own business there.'
Humming, he looks back at (Y/n) and his crew before speaking up.
"Penguin, Shachi, you guys made sure that everyone got the necessary supplies, right?"

The two snapped out of their conversation with (Y/n) as they heard their names being mentioned and looked at Law instead.
"Of course we did! I believe we will have enough supplies to keep the submarine going for another two to three weeks." Penguin reported to the captain as Shachi chimed in.
"We weren't able to find the amount of disinfectant that you wrote down, so we might need to restock after we enter the New World."

"Submarine?" (Y/n) curiously asked the group.
"Instead of a ship, we use a submarine. It's safer and you can see quite a lot of animals while traveling." Bepo explained while eating a cookie from the bag (Y/n) previously left on the bench. Seeing the food item, Law narrowed his eyes as (Y/n) fawned over the idea of traveling in a submarine.

"That's sounds amazing! It must be scary to be that deep in the sea. Don't you worry about accidents or that someone will get injured? I mean, it can happen on a ship as well, but it's different when it's deep in the ocean."

"Don't worry about it, (Y/n)-san, I always keep the place in check and make sure all the machinery is in great condition -"
"You mean that WE do it, Shachi."
Penguin's quick correction earned him a side-eye from his long-time friend, but he quickly recovered from it so that (Y/n) wouldn't notice.
"And as for accidents, you don't need to worry about them. Our captain here is our doctor as well. A surgeon, specifically." Ikkaku told her.

"Eh?! Really? I didn't know that. It must be great to have that skill. The doctor on our ship, Chopper, and you would probably get along." (Y/n) smiled over at Law, who stayed unaffected, but he did turn his attention from Bepo to her.
"The knowledge of surgery is necessary for me since that's my devil fruit power. It's nothing spectacular -"

"Law over here is humble. He is way too good at it. People even dubbed him as the Surgeon of death because of his skills on the battlefield."
The said captain looked on with an unfazed expression while Shachi spoke and had his arm wrapped around his neck. (Y/n) felt a shiver run down her spine but nodded her head.

'Ok, maybe Chopper would be too scared to talk to him then.'
"Ah... What a wonderful thing to be called."
"What? Are you scared?" Law smirked at her, which did hurt her pride a little bit.
'First he took the book and now he mocks me?!'

"Me and scared? I have faced the likes of Sir Crocodile before even becoming a pirate. You don't scare me much." (Y/n) said back in a what sounded like laid back voice. Ikkaku looked between the two and quietly giggled, earning Bepo's attention in the process.
"Is everything alright?"

"Everything is peachy, Bepo. I was just thinking about something. By the way, were those (Y/n)'s cookies?" The brown-haired woman asked while pointing at the now empty bag, causing the bear to get flustered a little bit.
"S-she said that it's fine to eat them. Also, I didn't eat them in so long. Do you think she will get mad at me?" The polar bear asked Ikkaku, a little bit worried at the idea of making someone from their enemy crew mad at him.

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