Chapter Eighty-Four

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Btw! I got this cute little art from a reader of mine! Check it out!

Credit: Theflightofthemurder


(Y/n) was surprised enough to find two other humans in the forest, but as they led her to a small hideout, she was taken aback even more when she saw the amount of people there, all without shadows and who have been stuck on the island for God knows how long.

She was currently sat on the ground while listening to the pink-haired woman she had met earlier. She came to know her name as well as some other information of the group, which was quite useful to her.
"So, you guys did manage to catch some of the shadows over the course of you guys being here. Did I get that right, Lola-san?" (Y/n) asked, earning a nod from the woman and a man named Spoil who was sitting next to the woman.

"Yes, it is actually possible to get them back, although it's very hard. One think that helped us was finding the weak spot of those zombies." Spoil explained as the girl looked over at him.
"Weak spot? They have a weak spot?"
"Mhm. Salt acts like a purifier for them. It worked like wonders for us. I just wish I was able to get my shadow back when I had the chance." Lola sighed as one of the men pat her on the back. (Y/n) felt sorry for her, knowing full well how she felt.

"I see... So, you guys have been hiding in this forest the whole time. Why didn't Moria bother catching you guys?"
"He has no reason to. We are useless to him now that our shadows are gone. Besides, we can't escape this place, and he knows it. This forest acts like our prison."
"But, there is some hope now for all of us!" Spoil continued after Lola, looking as thrilled as a man in his situation could be.

"What do you mean?"
"A group of pirates arrived at the mansion earlier. They are going after Moria right now, actually."
"Pirates? There is more of them now?" Lola mused. (Y/n) meanwhile kept quiet, both excited and anxious since she knew full well who he meant by it. There was only one group that could have reached the mansion.

'Good. They are here, too. I hope nothing bad happens to them.'
"Can you tell me how those pirates look like? Did the group consist of a guy with a strawhat, a guy with swords, a blonde man, a woman with black hair and a blue haired man?"
Spoil slowly nodded his head as (Y/n) continued describing them.
"Yes, yes! Do you know them?" The older man asked, earning a nod from her.

"Those are my friends actually. We came across this place by accident and now we are looking for a guy Luffy wants to join. But, besides them, did you maybe see anyone else enter the mansion?"

Lola and the rest looked over at Spoil, who thought it over as (Y/n) anxiously waited for the answer.
"Yes. A guy with a long nose and a woman with orange hair ran into the mansion as well. Luffy, the guy with the straw hat told me that they are his friends, too. Sadly, I didn't see anyone leave the mansion."

(Y/n) slowly nodded her head in understanding, a little bit disappointed and worried that Nami, Chopper, and Usopp didn't leave at least.
'I just hope that Absalom creep isn't there.'
Shaking her head, she turned her attention to Lola as she spoke up.

"So, you are a pirate as well? I didn't take you as one at first, I honestly thought you were a kidnapped bride or something." Lola laughed, a little embarrassed by her own way of thinking as (Y/n) cringed.

"No, absolutely not. I was put into this dress against my will, to be honest. But, that's besides the point. I need to go back in there and look for my friends and shadow. Thank you for explaining all of this to me, though. It will be easier to navigate around the mansion." 

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