Chapter Thirteen

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"You think the others will be alright?!" (Y/n) asked Vivi as the two raced towards the west entrance of Alubarna. The ducks were obviously scared of what might happen, but there was no going back now.
"They will be alright! They are very strong and determined people!" Vivi said, sending the girl a nervous smile.
"And besides, Luffy will join them soon, they will handle it. We need to get you to talk to Koza! And I need to get to the palace. If they start a fire, nothing will be solved!" (Y/n) nodded at Vivi's words, growing nervous as the ducks started slowing down.

The girl got off of her duck and patted it a few times, then looked at Vivi and Karoo.
"You two go to the palace, take (D/n) with you." She said as the said duck started protesting the idea.
"That doesn't sound like a good idea, (Y/n) you will need her-"
"Listen. It will be much safer for you if you have both Karoo and her with you. These Baroque Works are everywhere right now, and they are looking for you. I will be fine, I am a devil fruit user after all. Please just go-"

Tensing, the four looked at the road in front of the west gate and to their horror, they saw the large group of Rebels approaching them.
'Did more people join ever since I left?!' (Y/n) gulped and looked at Vivi again.
"Just go! Worry about yourself! Alabasta will need you! It will need a great and capable queen after all." The (h/c) girl smiled softly at Vivi, who held back a few sobs and nodded her.

"Stay safe! I will see you when we win!" Vivi yelled as she and the ducks ran off, leaving (Y/n) alone.
"Please Koza... just listen to me... I just want everything to go back to normal." She sighed and looked at the approaching Rebels.

"KOZA! Please stop this!! All of this is a set up!!" (Y/n) cupped her hands around her mouth, yelling as loudly as she saw her brother approach her as the head of the group.
'I really don't want to use my devil fruit power on them... that will be my last option.'

"Huh? Isn't there someone in front of us?!"
"It looks... looks a lot like (Y/n)!"
Koza's eyes widened at that statement and adjusted his eyes at the person in front of them, and sure enough it was her. The older felt relief wash over him when he saw her, thinking she finally saw how wrong she was, and that she would ask to join them again.
"Halt!" Koza commanded as their horses started slowing down.

(Y/n) felt tears form in her eyes as she saw her brother again, relieved he was alright after all.
"(Y/n), what are you doing here? Finally decided to join us?" Koza asked with a small smile as he looked down at her from his horse. But that smile was soon whipped off of his face when (Y/n) shook her head.
"No! Koza, please listen to me... all of you! This war is a set up! Please, the king has nothing to do with this! It is all Sir Crocod-"

"Shut up! I don't want to hear that anymore!" Koza yelled, causing a few of his men to back away with their horses.
"You betrayed your own brother because of that delusion that the royal family is innocent! Do you not care about our people at all?!"
"I do! I really do, Koza! But killing the king and starting this useless bloodshed isn't saving anyone! Please just listen to me!" (Y/n) felt anger boil up in her as she glared up at Koza, not able to recognize the man she looked up to.

"I have had enough of you! I hate the fact that I cared for you at all!" Koza yelled, causing (Y/n) to back away a little as she saw him rise his hand.
"You don't mean that-"
"Yes, I do! I cared for you, protected you! Only for you to stab me in the back for some royals?!"
"Please, we will all die if you don't-"
"I said shut up!"
(Y/n) watched in horror as Koza swung his fist and she closed her eyes, awaiting the worse, but it never came. Instead, she felt a sudden feeling of lightness hit her and she opened her eyes, only to find herself up in the sky.

"I really have to pick you up from all the trouble."
Turning her head around, (Y/n) saw Pell's falcon face smiling at her.
"Pell?! You are alright!" She sighed holding onto the guard's claw that was holding her. Her moment of peace was interrupted as she heard an explosion from where her brother was.
"What was that?!"
"A cannonball from the palace was fired. I am guessing Chaka isn't holding back." Pell hummed, landing on one of the rooftops. (Y/n) watched the scene happening in the city in horror, Rebels and the Royal army clashing, buildings and food stands being destroyed and left in dust.

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