Me, while messing around with Law's character AI: Who is your favorite person?
Law: Cora-san
Me: Hahahaha oh my, the train tracks look so comfortable tonight ahhaha I will destroy the World Government and Doflamingo hahaha😀😀😀🦋🦋🦋🦋
This dress will be important for the last part of this chapter:
🦋🦋🦋🦋While the four were going through their own hells in the mansion, Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats had arrived on the island with no huge issues or delays. They looked around the canal where (Y/n) and the rest had ended up earlier, hoping to find some clues of the four and where they could be, but to no avail.
"Hey, (Y/n)! Are you in there?!"
"Luffy, why are you squeezing your head into a hole?" Robin asked the captain as the rest facepalmed.
"Why would (Y/n) be in there to begin with?" Zoro raised an eyebrow as Franky and Sanji looked at him in disbelief.
"That's the question you are asking?!"
"Who knows! Where there is a hole, there is a way, you know?" Luffy said once he pulled his head out of it. Sanji was about to say something to Luffy but froze and started smelling the air before looking in the direction of the staircase."Shut up! (Y/n)-chan, Nami-chan, and the others went that way!"
"How would you be so sure? And why are you sniffing the air?" Franky wondered as he and Luffy started following Sanji.
"I picked up (Y/n)-chan and Nami-chan's perfumes. They are both sweet, just like them. My two ladies are so adorable."
As Sanji cooed about the two, Luffy laughed in amusement as Franky and the other two looked at each other weirdly."He seems to have lost some of his self-control. Zoro, you must also agree that his behavior is weirder than usual."
"I will have to agree with that. He is acting like a dog desperate for some bones." The swordsman stared oddly at Sanji as Robin quietly looked around, hoping to find something from the four.
"Maaan! I am hungry!" Luffy pouted as his stomach started growling... very loudly, at that."Why is your stomach growling so much? I just gave you something to eat." Sanji was the first one to take notice of the loudness, but didn't bother turning around to look at the captain.
"Uhm, Sanji-"
"You know how Luffy is with his meals. There is never enough of them." Zoro shrugged as the said boy spoke up again."Guys, that wasn't my stomach. Something else is growling."
The group stopped at the captain's comments, but neither dared to look back as the growling got louder, and footsteps could be heard echoing through the canal.
Robin was the first one to turn around to see the cerberus looking at them in hunger as he approached them. Franky, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji were the next to follow Robin's actions."What is that thing?" Luffy wondered as he gripped onto the net.
"Wow. A cerberus? We must be on the direct way to hell then."
"Aww. It's cute." Robin giggled, ignoring Sanji's comment as Franky and Zoro cracked their knuckles.
"He wanna brawl?"
"Pretty brazen.""Hey, guys, I wonder if he is yummy." Luffy grinned after licking his lips and moved closer to the animal. Hearing his words, all three dog heads stared at Luffy in shock before quickly backing away from the approaching captain.
"Hey! Come back!! (Y/n)-chan might be hungry! You will be a good source of protein for her!"🦋🦋🦋🦋
Dr. Hogback rarely saw the master of the house as happy as he was today. While Gecko Moria usually sported his signature grin, the doctor was by now well-educated to know when the Shichibukai was actually happy and when he was just plotting something sinister. And now was one of the rare occasions to see the man happy."This is excellent! You brought her here quicker than expected! Although I do not appreciate how much Cindry hurt her. I don't want my future wife to be bloody because of your servant, Hogback."
The said doctor flinched as the pirate sent him a glare. As expected, the man had noticed the blood on (Y/n)'s head despite his best efforts to wipe it clean.
"I will teach Cindry-chan a lesson to treat the future missus of the house more gently."

Yandere!One Piece x Reader
FanfictionAll (Y/n) wanted was to free her home country from Sir Crocodile's tyranny, not get a bounty on her head and being pulled into the adventures with the Straw Hats. But deciding to stay positive, (Y/n) will use this time furthering her research and ma...