Chapter 102

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I am so tempted to give Yn a hair color change like Mitsuri's in the timeskip. I just love that concept so much, it's funny☠️ all of us get diabetes from eating so much mochi, meanwhile the queen got a hair color change


"Who is that? And is he responding for all these people fainting?" (Y/n) muttered to herself, looking at the people who had fainted as soon as the man walked into the room, wondering what he could have ever done to get this result.
'Whatever it is, I need to know!' Sje thought and looked back at the man with starry eyes.

"You really are a screwed up old man... so it is money you were after?" The giant man who had destroyed the wall previously asked the older.
"I was planning on stealing some from whoever bought me if I was luck enough to get that chance. I mean, just take a loon at me, I am just an old man. Who would want me as a slave?!!" He started laughing, as if this whole slave thing was one big joke to him.

'He seems a little crazy- Did he want to be bought just to steal money?!' (Y/n) thought in disbelief as she felt someone wrap their arm around her waist.
Looking down, she saw that Luffy had stretched out his arm, and he quickly pulled her back to his side.
"Wah?!" Shachi exclaimed while but him and Penguin watched the action, while Law only looked with intrigue.

'A gummy person?'
"R-Rayleigh?! What are you doing here?!"
Hachi exclaimed, causing the man to look at him in surprise.
"What's?! The coating engineer?!" Chopper said, recognizing the name he heard earlier.
"You could have warned me, Luffy." (Y/n) said as he put her down before huffing.

"Just like you warned me earlier."
Guilt washed over the girl when she saw the hurt and worried look on Luffy's face, so she moved her hand on top of his hat, causing him tense up a little.
"Sorry about that, I will make sure to warn you guys in the future. But, at least we got Caimie out of those shackles." (Y/n) said, trying to point out the positive outcome for Luffy's sake.

The said boy blushed and nodded his head, avoiding eye contact with her. The girl's smile dropped into a painful frown when she felt Nami and and Franky hit her on the head.
"Yah! Hey!" She glared up at the two while rubbing the soar spots.
"Never do that again!"
"You scared us over here!"

Robin, Usopp, and Brook, still not understanding what had happened, looked at each other before focusing their attention on Zoro.
"Is anyone going to explain to us what had happened?"
"Later, Robin."
"(Y/n)-chan, that was such a genius idea! I love your brain!" Sanji's mood shifted rather quickly, and in return, Chopper looked at him in disbelief.
'How can he change his mood so fast?!'

"Ah.... You guys are the Straw Hats. I heard a lot about the shenanigans you have pulled in the short time you have been on the Grand Line."
The said crew turned their heads to look at Rayleigh before looking at each other.
"You have helped my friend here out immensely, I thank you for that."  The man smiled as him, Hachi, and Caimie approached them.

"Hm?" The old man looked at Law's and Kid's crews, who were to his surprise also still standing and seemed alright.
"I see that you guys took the blast very well. You are not amateurs at all, either."
(Y/n) glanced back up at Law and the others, somewhat relieved that they were alright.

'I mean, he did help me out earlier, I wouldn't want him or his friends harmed.' She reasoned as Law spoke up.
"To think we would run into him in a place like this."
"Dark King Silvers Rayleigh. Ain't no mistaking him.... what's a legend like hin doing here?"

'Da-Dark king?!' (Y/n) looked at the man again, taking a better look as the name Kid mentioned clicked in her head.
'That's... The Pirate King's first mate! He is alive?!'
"Huh?" Luffy looked back at the (h/c)-haired girl, wondering why she was so nervous now.

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