Doflamingo, while pointing at Yn's wanted poster: I want her as my wife.
Caesar: No, no, you don't. Now leave her alone :)🦋🦋🦋🦋
So, anyway, America is back to being the laughing stock of the world... How the hell do you vote for a man and not know how tariffs work?! What sort of food do you consume there?!
🦋🦋🦋🦋"I am back. So, what's the plan?" (Y/n) said as she walked into the car where her crew and the others were. Luffy was the first one to look at her, and his smile dropped when he noticed that something was different with her.
"Did you lose weight?" Luffy asked as he looked at the skirt she was wearing now."What's that supposed to mean?" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow as the others turned to look at her as well.
"Isn't that rude to say to a girl?" Usopp whispered to Zoro, who facepalmed as Nami hit Luffy on the head.
"You look awesome, (Y/n)! Skirts suit you!" Sanji cheered as the swordsman glanced back at him.
"What was that?!"
"Don't you have any manners?!" The navigator yelled as Paulie joined in, but he was yelling at (Y/n) when he realized what she was wearing."What are you wearing now?! Did you become as shameless as your friend?!"
Rolling her eyes at the shipwright's words, she turned to look at him.
"Did you never see a woman's legs? The reason I am wearing this is so that dumbasses can ask me why I am wearing this."
This ticket off Paulie more as he glared back at her, but any form of further escalation was stopped by Zambai."Can we please get back to talking over our plan?"
The pirates and Paulie looked back at the bounty hunter and nodded their heads slowly.
"Right, sorry about that. Paulie is just an idiot. What's the plan?" (Y/n) asked as the blonde looked at her in an offended manner.
"I am an idiot?"
"You are the one panicking over the fact that Nami and I are wearing skirts."(Y/n)'s comment caused him to glare back at her, but Kiwi quickly stopped the situation from escalating into an argument.
"Enough! We will be at Enies Lobby soon! Get your act together!"
(Y/n) looked back at her, a little bit embarrassed by forgetting their original mission to argue with Paulie and nodding her head.
"Right, sorry. So what's the plan? Enies Lobby is full of well-trained guards. We can't let you treat it like a playground. Especially when Robin and Franky are up there."
She looked back at the rest of her friends as Paulie sat down and put the map of Enies Lobby on the ground."You have a map of this thing?" Nami wondered as Luffy and Zambai sat down to look at it as well.
"I have been there once for railroad maintenance, so I drew this from my memory."
(Y/n) looked at the blonde, a little bit impressed by his memory before looking down at the map of the place that had four distinct buildings drawn out on it.
'So that's Enies Lobby. It looks just like what I heard back when I was still in Alabasta.'"These are the three main obstacles to get to the Gate of Justice. At the entrance to the island are large fences, but I am sure Rocket man will be able to handle them. My main concerns are the front gate, the island where the judicial court is, and the judicial tower is the final part. We need to reach it before Robin and Franky are escorted to the Gates of Justice."
"Paulie, what's that black stuff around the island?" (Y/n) wondered when she spotted something that looked like a black hole around the island that had the court on it. The blonde looked at her for a moment before putting a finger on the map.
"This is the waterfall that you will be able to see once you pass the gates. Anyhow, it's pretty much a straight path, but even if all of us charge at the same time, the agents of CP9 will be our biggest concerns for the rest of us. That's why the only ones who can go against them are you guys!" The blonde shipwright looked at the pirates as the Frankys did the same thing."I have seen how strong you guys are on our way here, I have no doubt that you can do it."
"Well, it's not like we have a choice. Robin is with them, and we are not leaving this island without her, right?" (Y/n) asked as she looked at the crew.
"Of course! We need to save her and kick the asses of those agents!" Luffy yelled as Chopper joined in.
"Yes! We are not leaving her behind!"

Yandere!One Piece x Reader
FanfictionAll (Y/n) wanted was to free her home country from Sir Crocodile's tyranny, not get a bounty on her head and being pulled into the adventures with the Straw Hats. But deciding to stay positive, (Y/n) will use this time furthering her research and ma...