Imagine Yn ended up on Whitebeard's ship when she was a child instead of on the ship that was meant for Alabasta... *writes that idea down for later*
"One of the Straw Hats has entered Level 4!"
"Stay on high alert!"
"Chief warden Magellan will be here soon!"
The guards yelled as they made their way to the Pond of blood where (Y/n) was last spotted while the girl hid behind some boxes that were placed over the area, holding back a pained gasp as she tried to move her left shoulder, the same one that was earlier hit by the concrete that had fallen off.'It hurts so bad, and I don't know if I am going crazy, but I feel like the pain travels all the way to my left knee.'
Biting her lower lip, (Y/n) slowly stood up, trying to ignore the pained yells and pleads of the inmates who were thrown into the boiling blood water.
'It could be worse. It could be worse. Get up now, (Y/n). There is no time for you to faint now, either. What's a little heat going to do to you? You used to spend hours in the middle of nowhere in Alabasta chasing scorpions in the heat.'(Y/n) thought to herself as she started to run again despite her bones and muscles being absolutely against the idea, and they made it pretty obvious as well.
'Ace, Luffy. Luffy, Ace. They are more important now! You will be fine!' She held back a cry as the pain became stronger, and she started looking around for an exit."I am now on Level 4. I need to find the exit and path to Level 5. Luffy and Bon-chan are probably on their way there."
Or at least that was what she hoped. Luffy needed to hurry up and look for Ace in her opinion.
Wiping some of her sweat away, (Y/n) spotted a bridge and changed directions to run across it.'With so many guards there, it has to mean that something important is that way. Maybe a staircase!'
Quickening her pace, the girl dodged and kicked as many of the jailers out of her way as possible with the injuries she currently had.
"Warden! Chief warden is here!!"
One of them yelled before (Y/n) kicked him into the boiling hot water.
"What?! He is?! Let's get away from here!"
"Yeah! Before we get caught up in his poison!"(Y/n) came to her senses a little as she heard those words while the guards ran past her, yelling how scared they were of the warden's powers.
'Poison?! He can create poison?!' (Y/n) thought, licking her lips as her stomach started growling.
"So, you are one of those intruders who has been causing issues in my Impel Down!"(Y/n) shook her head and looked back at the giant man with horns and bat wings, glaring down at her.
"So? I am! You must be this warden guy I heard about earlier. Magellan, right?"
The man smirked at (Y/n)'s glare, finding it more pitiful than scary.
"That I am. I am flattered that a pretty young lady such as yourself heard of me. But I will have to stop you here. I can't have you and your captain cause me more ruckus!"
Magellan said in obvious disgust as he kept his focus on (Y/n) as a large, purple gooey liquid appeared from his back. (Y/n) perked up as she started to smell the air with more intensity, and she was able to make out the familiar acidic smell of poison.
'S-so much.... poison... There is so much to eat and taste!'
With starry eyes, (Y/n) stared at the liquid as it formed a head shaped like a hydra."Now taste the absolute torture of my poison and die! Go to hell for all the mishaps you caused! Hydra!"
(Y/n) quickly ran and jumped in the direction of the oncoming attack, causing Magellan to look at her oddly.
'Is... is she suicidal?!' He thought, watching as she opened her mouth widely and drinking the poison that he had sent her way.
In disbelief, Magellan watched as his attack got reduced to something akin to juice to the girl.'The attack that was feared by many, prisoners and guards is treated by her as nothing more than some form of nourishment to her.'
Magellan, who was wide-eyed and pale as ghost now backed away as he watched (Y/n) hold her stomach and lick away some of the excess poison off of her lips.
"Man! Magellan, if I knew you could produce poison like this, I would have searched for you a lot sooner! This was delicious! Can I have more?!" (Y/n) asked excitedly as her eyes took the shape of hearts, causing the man to back away from her more.

Yandere!One Piece x Reader
FanfictionAll (Y/n) wanted was to free her home country from Sir Crocodile's tyranny, not get a bounty on her head and being pulled into the adventures with the Straw Hats. But deciding to stay positive, (Y/n) will use this time furthering her research and ma...