The guests were quiet as everyone stared at the three, hoping that they won't start a fight now. The only sound that was heard was Luffy's munching on the food, and (Y/n) felt like fainting from his lack of care.
'Can't believe his worth is 30 million! How is he so relaxed?!' She gulped, watching Smoker's face turn more and more irritated.
"Luffy..." (Y/n) started, but was cut off as the boy spit out the food, finally realizing who the man in front of him was."Ur dat Moke duy?! Bater u nooing her?!" He yelled, (Y/n) barely made out his words from the food he was still eating.
"Why you!" Smoker started, getting into fighting stance, causing (Y/n) to look at the bystanders.
'What now?!'
Luffy got up from his seat and stuffed himself with the rest of the food, then quickly picked (Y/n) up again.
"What are you doing?!" She yelled, mad that the marine captain now knows she has associations with him.
"Banks bor ba bood!"
With that Luffy ran off, (Y/n) gripping tightly onto his clothes as Smoker started chasing them."Luffy, you idiot! Just spit the food out and run! He is getting closer too!" (Y/n) said as she looked at Smoker's figure approaching them faster and faster.
"Evrtin' vil be oka!" Luffy said, trying to gulp down the food.
"I don't understand a word!" (Y/n) said back.
"Tashigi! Stop those two!"
Smoker yelled at a blue-haired girl who was a little further away. She looked at Luffy and (Y/n) in shock for a moment, then pulled out her sword, running to swing her sword at them.
"Straw Hat!" Tashigi yelled as Luffy looked around for a moment, his grip on (Y/n) tightening."Hold on tight." The captain said quietly, finally having gulped down the food. (Y/n) looked at the way Luffy observed the roofs and nodded her head, praying to make it in one piece to the ship.
'Pell's flying seems safer now!'
Luffy jumped up on the roof, just in time before Tashigi could strike him, and started running faster on top of the houses."Isn't this fun?!" Luffy laughed as Smoker's yelling was heard from below, telling the marine to search for Luffy's crew in Nanohama.
"Fun?! We obviously have different views on what fun is!" She sighed.
'Now I worry over Vivi and how she survived all these shenanigans. Knowing king Cobra and Igaram, they won't be happy if they heard of it...'"You two look so adorable in those! Do you think (Y/n) would want to wear one of those?!" Sanji fawned as he looked at Nami and Vivi, who were dressed in dancer clothes.
"He is slowly losing it..." Usopp commented while eating some of the food they bought.
"He has lost it on the day he was born." Zoro answered, causing the blonde-haired cook to yell at him in anger.
"What did you say, moss head?!"
"What you heard, perverted cook!"
"Shut up!" Nami yelled, irritated at their behavior while the rest watched them in amusement."We need to go and look for the two now. Luffy is searched by the marine, anyone who associates with him could be in danger of being pursued by them. I still don't understand his thought process of bringing (Y/n) with him." Nami groaned.
"That idiot brought such a delicate flower into this mess. I will beat the crap out of him!" Sanji yelled, all fired up that Luffy got the chance to spend some alone time with you.
'So dramatic...' Vivi sweat dropped as Usopp tried to calm him down."Stop them!"
"Stop the Straw Hat and that girl!"
The group looked behind them, looking at Luffy in shock as he got chased by the marine.
"What is he doing?" Nami panicked.
"And why did he bring (Y/n) into all of this?" Vivi bit her fingernail. She knew (Y/n) already had a bad reputation among the Baroque and is searched by them, but with the marine her life could be in bigger danger now."Huh?! Hey Zoro! What are you all doing here?!" Luffy yelled, irritating the swordsman and Nami.
"Are you dumb?! Don't send them here!" Nami yelled.
"I won't let you get away! White fist!" Smoker yelled as his arm turned into smoke and his fist started coming closer and closer to the duo.
"Luffy! Don't bring the marine to Vivi!" (Y/n) yelled as a orange/red ball appeared behind Luffy, blocking Smoker's attack.
The captain stopped in his tracks and the crew looked in confusion at the sudden fire.
"What is this now... as far as I know Smoker can't do that." (Y/n) muttered as the fire slowly started dying down, revealing Ace's figure.

Yandere!One Piece x Reader
FanfictionAll (Y/n) wanted was to free her home country from Sir Crocodile's tyranny, not get a bounty on her head and being pulled into the adventures with the Straw Hats. But deciding to stay positive, (Y/n) will use this time furthering her research and ma...