Chapter Seventy-Eight

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*Me, writing Dead-bones Brook*
My autocorrect: Did you mean Deadbeat Brook.
Me: Never disrespect Brook like that! But do it with Shanks. That's funny!

Also, I'm calling myself out right now. Yes, Law will have preferential treatment. No, I do not care if I am unfair. The man is hot and has an exquisite personality, Idc.

Reader will change into this later on in the chapter:

After their little outburst, the crew stared at the ship quietly, the skeleton figure that once previously stood in the visible spot was completely gone, making (Y/n) question if she was seeing things or not.
'Did I eat too much? There is no way a skeleton was standing there and singing. There is no way. Maybe it's the stress of being stuck in this triangle.' The girl thought and was shortly after interrupted by Luffy.

"Let's go and explore the ship!"
"What?! Have you lost your mind?! Why should we visit that cursed thing?" Usopp asked Luffy as he held a huge cross in his hands.
"Come on! It will be fun! (Y/n), you can come with me. Maybe you might get your wing-"
"Luffy, I respectfully refuse. I am not stupid enough to go on an abandoned and haunted ship."
The boy pouted and shrugged his shoulders before looking at the others, who instinctively avoided eye contact with him.

"Come on! Do you know how much money could be on an abandoned ship like this?"
The group grew even quieter as (Y/n) looked over at Nami, who had an inner turmoil from Luffy's suggestion.
"Luffy, nobody wants to-"
"I will come with you! Let's go and find some money!" Nami cheered as she ran to Luffy's side.
"If Nami-chan is going, so am I. Don't worry, my cutie, I will protect you!" Sanji joined the duo as Luffy cheered them on.

"Never mind. I stand corrected." (Y/n) sighed, watching as they started climbing up the ship.
"Be careful, you three!" Robin called out, surprisingly not phased by any of this.
"Come back safely!"
"If there are any objects that are dedicated to the gods. Leave them, please!" Usopp begged as Franky recovered from his initial shock.
"You guys are crazy for this. Take care."

"Don't worry, we will be back soon enough. Right, Nami and Sanji?"
"Yeah, we will... I hope." The navigator said, silently regretting her decision.
'What if I die?! How will my sweet (Y/n) survive without me while surrounded by these idiots?!'
"Mosshead, you better take care of (Y/n)-chan and Robin-chan, or I will kill you!"
"Without you here, they are already safe." Zoro smirked as he saw Sanji glare at him.
"Just wait until I am back down there!!"

"Can you guys at least not argue on a cursed ship?!" (Y/n) asked, and quickly after hugged Chopper when the ship moved a little again.
"Hey, (Y/n)?"
The girl looked down at her reindeer companion and smiled.
"What is it, Chopper?"
"They will be fine, right?"
"Of course they will be. Nami isn't a pushover, Sanji is quite strong, and Luffy has an unparalleled will. They will be alright and back with us in no time."

(Y/n) wasn't even lying when she said that, since those were her opinions of them ever since she first got introduced to the pirates. That also calmed Chopper down a little bit, and he relaxed in her hug.
"Say, (Y/n)..."
"...if that's your opinion on them..."
"...what do you think of us?"
The girl looked to her right, only to move back a little when she saw Zoro, Robin, and Usopp standing pretty close to her, waiting for an answer.

"What... O-oh, well. Zoro, you are an amazing swords fighter, the best one I have ever met. Robin, you are extremely intelligent and strong. And Usopp, you are very courageous even when you don't want to be in some cases."
(Y/n) quickly said, trying to remember what she thought of them from the top of her head. The trio seemed quite pleased. Well, Robin and Usopp were judging by their blushes and smiles, while Zoro awkwardly cleared his throat and looked to the side.

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