Chapter Eighty-Seven

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It was very unusual for the Thousand Sunny to be quiet and still. Even during the occasions when the whole crew is out and exploring islands, there are some creeking sounds that should be heard at least, but not this time.

This time, the ship was as quiet as a mouse. So when the sound of loud and heavy footsteps interrupted that quietness, anyone would have been startled by the sudden change. Who was causing this sudden shift in the atmosphere? It wasn't a zombie or even Gecko Moria himself, but an unexpected guest who came to pay a visit to his fellow Shichibukai.

Bartholomew Kuma was a name a lot of people were familiar with. Pirates and Marine alike feared him due to his past and the things he had done to become a Shichibukai. Some pirates, although rarely vocal, didn't care or outright despised him for being basically a servant to the World Government.

Nonetheless, nobody would or could deny his strength and would usually stray away from the idea of attacking him.
Today, he had a special task that he never expected to get from the Five elders. The task was pretty simple, capture the Straw Hats, with the main focus of the operation being Luffy, Robin, and (Y/n).

The Shichibukai was honestly a little impressed that a rookie captain got this far in a short time span. Defeating a man like Sir Crocodile wasn't easy, and yet he did it, shaking up the structure and balance a little bit. But, of course, even that little bit was too much, and now with Enies Lobby being gone thanks to Luffy and his crew, the government needed the captain and his friends gone from the Grand Line as soon as possible.

Bartholomew looked around the different rooms, hoping that something might catch his interest soon. There was nothing really special about the ship, in his eyes at least, but once he walked into the room Nami, (Y/n), and Robin shared, he changed his mind.

"Hm? So she is aware of them now and knows how they looked like." The Shichibukai muttered as he picked up the picture frame that held the photo of (Y/n)'s parents. He put the frame down as soon as he was done inspecting it and then took out a pen and small notebook to write this discovery down.

'I wonder how much she actually knows. The Elders insist that she knows where the documents are, which makes sense given that she is their daughter, but the CP9 agents were also adamant that she was sincere when she told them that she had no idea about the location.'
Bartholomew hummed to himself and put the pen and notebook away before leaving the room.

"Where is that room?! I swear it wasn't this far away last time I checked." (Y/n) spoke to herself as she sped up her pace, hoping to arrive at the room where she last saw Moria.

'I need to force him to give us our shadows back, somehow! Dawn is approaching us, and with how things are going, we will all be ashes!'
"It's just too bad that my poison doesn't work on zombies. Otherwise, I could have easily taken them down, and much earlier, too." She sighed.

'There it is!' (Y/n) sighed in relief once she saw the familiar doors of Moria's room, but just as she was about to quicken her pace, a giant red arm broke through the wall off the hallway, stopping her momentarily.
(Y/n) yelled and quickly backed away as the hand started to move around, as if trying to grab something or someone.

"Where are they?! Straw Hats! Come out, wherever you are! Stop hiding!"
"Luffy.... Luffy's zombie is even bigger than I imagined him to be..."
Feeling someone's eyes on her form, (Y/n) slowly averted her attention to the window to her left, and what she saw genuinely terrified her. A huge eye was looking down at her and glee.

"There you are! Master Moria has been looking for you!"
Cold sweat ran down her face as she stared up at the eye, completely forgetting a sense of herself for a moment.
'Why does the zombie have to be that big?!'
She was woken up from her state only when she felt something heavy fall and spread across her back.

Snapping out, (Y/n) quickly looked back to check out what it was, only to see a pair of (f/c)-colored butterfly wings on her back.
'Where did these come from now?!'
Oars seemed to have taken notice of them as well, and the harsh look in his eyes quickly turned into a gleeful one.

"Oh!! Those are pretty! Are they real?! Can I touch them?! Please!"
(Y/n) flinched at the loudness, which most definitely reminded her a lot of Luffy's.
'He is just as excited about them as the Luffy I know. It's just that Luffy's excitement is much more endearing while this one terrifies me.-
"Hey! Come out! I want to see and touch them! Come out!"
Oars was visibly getting more impatient, and he started moving his hand around carelessly in order to grab her.

(Y/n) sighed and backed away as a small chunk of the ceiling fell down because of the zombies' carelessness.
'I used these things only once if I remember correctly.'
She looked over at the wings resting on her her shoulder before jumping away from Oars' hand and landing on it, annoying the zombie even more.

"Come on! I just want to touch them! Come here!"
The zombie sounded more and more agitated the more he spoke.
'I could maybe get out that way!' She thought, seeing that the ceiling that was partly destroyed gave her a small escape route.
'I need you guys to fly now. Move a little bit!'

She thought as the wings fluttered for a second before stopping.
'Come on, move!'
"If you won't come out willingly, I will take you by force!" Oars yelled, raising his other hand up in the air.
'Hurry! Fly! Move!'(Y/n) pleaded as they slowly started rising again.

"I will count to three. One."
"That's right, move like that." She muttered as the wings started fluttering again, but this time, it was much stronger.
As Oars yelled the last number, he slammed his other fist into the mansion, breaking the wall and destroying the third and second floors in the process.

"Got you!"
Oars grinned as he felt something in his fist.
"Now, let me see- What?!"
The zombie's eyes narrowed when he opened his fist and saw that inside was only a huge chunk of the wall he had previously destroyed.
"Where is she?! And where are the other Straw Hats?!"
Oars got up from his spot on the ground and quickly started kicking the by now half destroyed mansion.

(Y/n), using Oars' confusion and rage, flew away as quickly as she could.
'These things are so heavy and hard to use. I really should have trained them when I had the time.'
Scolding herself, she used all her strength to continue flying while looking down at the ground.

"(Y/n)! Is that you?!"
Usopp's voice made her snap her head to the left, and she quickly spotted the sniper hiding in the bushes while observing Orse and her with a pair of binoculars.
"Usopp!! You are safe!" She grinned and quickly made her away to his side. Noticing the change in her appearance, Usopp couldn't help but stare in awe as his face slowly heated up.
'So... so pretty!!'

🩷That's it for this chapter! I hope you liked it! Thank u all for reading and voting! The support means a lot! Stay safe and have a great day/night🩷

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