"The world is going to shit and all you do is write fanfics and hug your Law plushie?"
Me: Yeah? What do you want me to do?
(Y/n) wasn't quite sure what had happened. One second, she was on Sabaody, talking to Kuma, and the next second, she found herself falling from the sky, waiting to hit the ground, but to her surprise, that never came. In fact, it felt like an eternity of her just seeing the blue sky and clouds along with bear paw prints around her. After a while, (Y/n) gave up on the idea of ever landing or seeing soil.
'Is this some form of torture? Or did I just die? Why is nothing changing? It's always the same stupid sky and same dumb clouds.' She sighed in frustration, wincing when she felt the pain of a cut on her arm, which made her stop and think.
'Wait! Pain! I felt pain! So that means I am still alive and well, or as well as I can be in a situation like this. So that means that Kuma really did teleport both Zoro and I somewhere, but knowing him, be probably wouldn't risk putting us in the same place.'
(Y/n) closed her eyes when she finally felt a gust of wind hit her.
'Real wind, too. So it means that I probably arrived at the end of the fall.'
Slowly opening one eye, (Y/n) saw the vast ocean underneath her as well as an island that she was approaching more and more.
"You better work, or else I will end up meeting my parents sooner than I want to."Gulping, she glanced at her wings as they started weakly flapping at first, but then it got stronger the more panicked she grew. Her fall slowed down but by bit until she softly landed on the ground. Sighing in relief, (Y/n) fixed up her clothes before looking around as her wings fell flat against her back, relaxing like the rest of her body did once it felt safe enough to do so.
'That was a close one... Where am I thought?'
(Y/n) looked around, finding herself in what looked like a forest at first sight. And for a moment, she was taken aback by its beauty and the different animals she could hear around herself.'How pretty... the flowers, the trees, and the different birds I can hear... This is like paradise.'
Smiling, (Y/n) decided to walk over to a tree that was surrounded by different colored flowers. Crouching down, she inspected them, trying to make out what they were.
"Hmmm? Aren't these delphiniums? I believe they have a good poison concentration."She hummed to herself and pulled one of them from the ground and took a bite from a few of the petals. (Y/n)'s frown slowly turned into a smile once she felt the acidic taste hit her taste buds.
'Biology studies be blessed! They are! It tastes so good, too! I need 100 of these!' She thought with an excited look in her eyes, finishing the flower she started eating."This was so good!"
(Y/n)'s cheering scared some of the birds from the tree she was standing next to.
"Oops! Sorry..."
She said apologetically before looking around and down at the flowers.
"Nobody will mind if I take a few more, right?"
(Y/n) muttered to herself, and after a few moments, she quickly plucked out a few.'Hmm? Rayleigh gave us his vivre cards before we had left earlier. Let me see.'
Taking the small piece of paper out of her pocket and putting it on her palm. After a minute or so, (Y/n) saw the paper move to the left.
'Ah! Maybe this way is the port? I can try and look for a ship that goes to Sabaody.'
Smiling to herself, she took a bite from one of the petals and started walking."Don't worry, guys! I am on my way!" She exclaimed to nobody in particular while walking deeper into the forest.
"I wonder where Zoro was sent of to... And I hope the others got away from Kuma. I am sure they did. All of them are strong and smart. I have no reason to worry."
(Y/n) spoke to herself, trying to calm her worry since she could risk getting distracted right now.

Yandere!One Piece x Reader
FanficAll (Y/n) wanted was to free her home country from Sir Crocodile's tyranny, not get a bounty on her head and being pulled into the adventures with the Straw Hats. But deciding to stay positive, (Y/n) will use this time furthering her research and ma...