Sanji: It was horrible! They beat me!
Sanji: And then they made me eat cement for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! Cement!!
Yn: Sanji... can you please trauma dump later on me?
Sanji: Why?
Yn: Because I am using the toilet right now! Get away from the door!
Sanji: Oh yeah, sorry!🦋🦋🦋🦋
Yn's mom: No. No, Caesar, I just gave birth to Yn!
Caesar: Please! Please! Please! I was practicing the whole week!
Yn's dad: No, now give me back my child. You are not- Oh God!
*Caesar, recreating the Simba getting lifted up scene as Vegapunk takes pictures*
Yn's mom:...
Yn's dad:... Well, at least they love her🦋🦋🦋🦋
Yn: These sweets are incredible! What did you say they are called?
Sandersonia: Mochi. The ones you are eating are sakura and macha flavored, actually.
Yn: Fantastic, give me 300 of these!
Sandersonia: You already had like 200 this week
Yn: So?
Sandersonia: It's only a Monday! We still need to train you!!
Yn: B-but!
Sandersonia: No-
Hancock: Here, my dear! Eat up! You need to be well fed for the training! *hands her over a plate of the sweets*
Sandersonia: Eating junk food doesn't count as a nutritious meal...🦋🦋🦋🦋
Law: Why did you leave those two marshmallows? Just eat them.
Yn: I am full, and I won't be able to eat more than one of them
Law: So? Just eat one, and the other one can be left on the plate until you are hungry again
Yn: No! I don't want one to be lonely! Just let them enjoy each other's company!🥺🥹
Law, suppressing a heart attack: That was the second cutest thing you did.
Yn: Second? What's the first?
Law: Exist
Yn: ○/////○🦋🦋🦋🦋
Yn: Look at Luffy! He is so stunning and brave!
Nami:... All he did was eat a whole lamb in one sitting
Yn while clapping: Stunning and brave ^_^🦋🦋🦋🦋
During the Sabaody archipelago
Random guy: Listen, I am no card reader, but I can see a future where we are together.
Yn, surprised: You do?!
Hawkins while pulling her away: Well, I am a card reader, and I see you finding a way better option🦋🦋🦋🦋
Kid: I am an Olympic level hater! I hate everyone and everything! Everyone, but me sucks!
Killer: Oh really?
Kid: Yes!
Killer, pulls out Yn from behind his back: So?
Yn: Hi!
Kid: ...🦋🦋🦋🦋
Yn, thinking she had finally figured out Robin and Zoro's secret relationship: I have connected the dots!
Zoro: You didn't connect shit! Sit down!🦋🦋🦋🦋
Yn: So, there is this guy who literally steals hearts-
Koza: Absolutely not!
Vivi: I find that romantic! Go on, Yn!
Yn: Thank you 🥹🦋🦋🦋🦋
Sanji: Nami, can I have some money? I need to buy us some groceries-
Nami: No.
Yn: Nami, can I have some money? I saw a cute dress in the village.
Nami: Absolutely my love! ♡_♡

Yandere!One Piece x Reader
FanfictionAll (Y/n) wanted was to free her home country from Sir Crocodile's tyranny, not get a bounty on her head and being pulled into the adventures with the Straw Hats. But deciding to stay positive, (Y/n) will use this time furthering her research and ma...