We're Too High Level Now

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also, give your opinions on something I should change or add.

Note: From now on when I want to comment on something, but don't want to interrupt the reading, I'll place [ ] and a number in it, then at the end of the chapter I'll place the number and what I wanted to say.


After getting to the Trade Area, Shi Feng searched for an empty spot, covering the ground with a piece of white cloth. He placed down most of the equipment and herbs that he had obtained, starting his stall. 

The Level 4 Common Cloth Armor and Leather Armor[1] was priced at 1 Silver 20 Coppers, while the Level 4 Plate Armor was priced at 1 Silver 40 Coppers, and the Bronze Shield was priced at 21 Silvers.

"Rare herbs, high-level equipment, those interested come and take a look." Shi Feng shouted.

There were quite a number of players in the Trade Area. However, most of them were selling materials such as herbs, ore, etc. Until now, there had not been a single player selling equipment. Shi Feng's shout immediately became everyone's focus.

"It can't be. There really is equipment! A Bronze Shield even!"

"What unbelievable luck. I don't even have Common Equipment yet he's already got a piece of Bronze Equipment?"

"This is Level 5 Equipment. Is this a joke? I'm not seeing things, right?"

"What's so great about it? Don't forget, there was an expert that killed the Town Mayor. That was a Level 15 Elite. Now nobody can receive a Quest from the Town Mayor. Some players that received the Town Mayor's Quest are also fuming with rage; all of them want to eat that expert alive."

"Twenty-one Silvers, this price is too high. I don't even have 1% of that money." The surrounding players were all in shock.

It was only a moment before a party of players rushed over. Leading them was a Shield Warrior.

"Give way, give way. Now that we, Shadow, are here, we are buying everything on the stall. Everybody else can just leave." The party members of Shadow created a path for the Shield Warrior to walk through.

Shi Feng was immediately dumbfounded.

'How are you even here?' He thought to himself as the same person, Flaming Tiger, the Team Leader for Shadow in Red Leaf Town, came to act annoying when he was selling stuff here in his previous life, but going by the timeline of events, that would be a few hours from now. 'Does this guy have nothing better to do? Well, whatever.' He quickly stopped thinking about it as he watched Flaming Tiger approach.

"You the stall owner?" Flaming Tiger became excited as he looked at the blue cross-shaped shield. 

He then looked at Shi Feng. Flaming Tiger did not have the Observing Eyes Identification Skill, so he could not tell Shi Feng's level. However, Shi Feng was only clad in novice equipment except for that fire poker, but could such a thing even be considered a weapon? And he did not have any Guild's insignia on him. He was definitely just an average player. Obtaining such equipment should be due to good luck.

"That's right." Shi Feng nodded his head while answering, even though he knew where this was going. 

"Good, I want everything here for 1 Silver." Flaming Tiger proudly stated.

He said it as if everything on the stall was just unworthy garbage, and that giving 1 Silver for them was looking up to one.

"I don't negotiate prices. Please don't hinder my business by acting like a lord." Shi Feng said before ignoring him.

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