The Final Cave's Secrets

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.


According to the information Feng received from Blackie, a meteorite shower had rained down on the White River City Region, then a system notification suddenly appeared in White River City, stating that the meteorite shower had destroyed the entire White Fog Canyon, a Level 20 to Level 30 grinding area.

All the monsters within White Fog Canyon have gone berserk, and based on the information Zero Wing's members checked in order to confirm their knowledge from the previous timeline, these monsters have a surprisingly high drop-rates, and the EXP they give is also significant. On top of that, a Ruined Shrine has appeared inside the White Fog Canyon which powerful monsters guarding something inside the shrine. A few Assassins had snuck in to have a look and they discovered that there was a Level 25 Great Lord ranked monster deep inside the Ruined Shrine. Currently, the various Guilds are organizing their personnel and preparing to raid the Level 25 Great Lord.

A Great Lord was an existence that surpassed a High Lord. Such monsters did not even exist in Level 50 large-scale Hell Mode Team Dungeons. At most, the Final Boss of said Dungeon might be a High Lord.

Yet, now, a Great Lord had actually appeared. Without a doubt, its appearance would draw Guilds to it.

The ironclad rule of God's Domain was that the stronger a monster was, the better its drops would be. 

Blackie, according to Feng's orders from the previous timeline, had called for five hundred members of Zero Wing to gather at White Fog Canyon's entrance, two hundred of which were members who've had their memories restored, and he was just asking for confirmation on whether to increase the number, to which Feng said it was fine as is. 

Five hundred would be enough for his needs, as the two hundred restored members could accomplish whatever tasks were necessary, while the rest of the three hundred or so were there to fill in numbers, as well as using the chance to train those whose memories wouldn't be restored. 

Half an hour later, Feng and Violet arrived in White Fog Canyon.

The layer of fog that previously hid the canyon had dissipated. Instead, craters and flames filled the area. A dilapidated shrine loomed in White Fog Canyon's center. Plenty of monsters also patrolled the surroundings of said shrine.

After Feng arrived, he discovered that players crowded around the entrance to White Fog Canyon. There were tens of thousands of players. However, although all of the Guilds of White River City had come, the majority consisted of independent players.

As for Zero Wing, most of the members who had gone to do their Class Change Quests have already successfully promoted and returned; with only the ones whose memories were restored later still in the middle of theirs.

Feng noticed Fire standing at the front of the gathered members along with Aqua. There weren't any differences to her appearance after class changing into an Atrocity, but the aura around had changed drastically. The intense aura gave off an incredibly dark feeling that slightly reminded Feng of the Atrocities he had seen in his previous life; but oddly enough, he didn't sense any of the evil aura that was normal for Atrocities to possess from Fire, causing Feng to not be sure what to make of it.

She had also suppressed it and hid it very well, to the point it was nearly completely gone and that even those with restored memories weren't able to notice its intensity; only sensing that it was different and darker than before.

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