Finishing Candlelight's Preparations

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add


Feeling refreshed after having settled things with Aqua, Feng logged back into God's Domain, and immediately went back to forging Intermediate Mana Armor Kits. 

During his absence, the members of Candlelight had spent their time arduously forging Light Stones of various ranks, with the many unrestored Intermediate Apprentice Forgers, whose Forging rank had been upgraded to Advanced Apprentice Forger using the Books of Gold, making basic ones, the unrestored members who had become Forgers being entrusted with the creation of Advanced Light Stones, and restored members with lower ranks who weren't given any important Forging Designs handling the Peak Light Stones. 

Normally, it wouldn't be possible for inexperienced Forgers like these to make the Light Stones they were assigned to with their ranks in the volume necessary for Candlelight, but thanks to the restored members giving them some tips and tricks, they were able to cope with the duties bestowed upon them. 

Of course, the restored Candlelight members didn't teach them anything excessive, mostly basic knowledge about Forging which would become common after a bit anyway in order to increase their efficiency and the profit Candlelight could make from them. 

Only the unrestored members who Melancholic knew would stick around, like those who Feng hadn't restored the memories of yet or was unable to due to him not having had the chance to see their souls in the previous timeline, mostly because many weak people among them had died after not being able to adapt fast enough, had received proper teaching and instructions on how to improve in their mastery of Forging. 

Aside from those members, the players employed by Starstreak, as well as the NPCs, who weren't members of the Horizon Alliance were still making basic necessity items and commodities, despite the Starstreak Trading Firm not selling any of them and making the players wonder if the Trading Firm had become bugged. 

Nevertheless, since they were still making good money for their work, the players didn't bother questioning it. Though, them and the NPCs still being payed while Starstreak was pulling in zero profit naturally caused the firm to lose large sums of Gold Coins every day, causing Anna to start pulling out her hair due to Feng's negligence. 

But that was of no concern to Feng, who merely used his own stash of coins to offset the loses made during this time. 

He still possessed plenty of the Gold Coins remaining from the original Dragonclaw Set sales left remaining after purchasing Land, along with the amount gained from the following Sets forged by Cocoa with the materials Melancholic managed to gather, whose earnings, although had dropped significantly already, were still large, with each Equipment Set being bid for around five hundred Gold Coins. 

There was also the money obtained from Candlelight selling its products and the hundreds of thousands of items Feng had looted from the slaughtered Overwhelming Smile members, which was by no means small. There was even some money the Guild had earned through Guild Quests. Thus, Feng had no problem compensating Starstreak for its losses. 

However, out of everyone, the one who had worked the hardest was definitely Black Flame, who had not moved from his forging table ever since returning from slaying the Infant Silver Dragon; having spent the entire time Feng was logged out forging Intermediate Mana Armor Kits. 

Black Flame hadn't done that because he was just so excited and willing to do nothing but forge without taking a single break, though, and he merely had no choice in the matter after Feng had put him in charge of dealing with the huge number of Intermediate Mana Armor Kits that they needed. 

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