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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.


Feng used Observing Eyes on the Atrocity, wanting to find out more of its information.

[Atrocity] (High Chieftain)

Level 25

HP 50,000,000

Seeing the Atrocity's information and the system notification, Feng guessed that he had somehow fulfilled a special condition, which caught the Evil God's attention, resulting in it triggering an Emergency Trial and sending an Atrocity one tier higher then him. Though, just because the Atrocity was only a High Chieftain, that didn't mean its power was only at Tier 1.

The Atrocity in front of Feng had a very high life rating, similar to the Primordial Beasts. From its aura, Feng guessed that, despite it only being a Tier 1 High Chieftain, the Atrocity's attributes and combat power were at the Peak of Tier 2.

This wasn't Feng's first time encountering such a situation. In fact, triggering special events wasn't that rare of an occurrence for Feng, as he had often found himself in situations of both great risk and opportunity ever since he reincarnated for the first time; in both his own God's Domain and the Greater God's Domain.

Though, whenever there was a special condition that could be fulfilled or triggered, it was usually a completion rate of some event, doing something within a certain time frame, having an item that had some connection to what you were doing, using a special technique, or even something like having been to a certain place beforehand, meeting someone or having some being's Legacy.

However, the Twelve Trials were different, as they didn't have any of those that could trigger a special event. You only have to beat the Twelve Trials' guardians and pass.

As Feng was trying to figure out what had caused the Evil God to send an Atrocity here, and whether or not some outside factors had been responsible, his thoughts and sight stopped at his full health bar, which has not moved ever since he had stepped into the Twelve Trials; or actually, ever since he had reincarnated again.

'Did I show off too much?' Feng wondered if him not losing any HP was the cause for the current situation. Although there were plenty of situations where he could have lost some HP, especially the Phoenix's first kamikaze attempt, Feng had figured that since he could avoid taking any damage, then why not?

With Feng's current knowledge and standards, and as long as all of his plans succeed, he'll be practically invincible in the near future; so it'd be a bit embarrassing if he came close to dying or lost HP to a Tier 0 creature. Even if no one knew about it, It would probably bother Feng at the back of his mind in the future. Only, he hadn't expected that him putting in some effort in keeping his damage receiving record clean would result in this.

Feng was unsure, though, if this was really the case, or if some unknown factor had caused, or notified, the Evil God. After all, Feng already knew that there was someone working for the Evil God in the War God Temple's upper echelons.


A loud, ear-piercing roar echoed, as the Atrocity flapped its scaly wings and rushed towards Feng. With its current speed at the Peak Tier 2 standard, even if Feng was in his peak condition, he'd have to put in some effort into dodging the Atrocity's attack. But with his current exhausted self, keeping up with the Atrocity became impossible.

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