I See Humans, But No Humanity

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add


After logging into God's Domain, Feng went straight back to mining, planning to reach the Basic Miner rank today and go back to forging.

However, Feng soon noticed that the Mining Proficiency Points he got from the ores he has been harvesting previously was much lower, so he decided to go for better ores that would give him more proficiency on a higher level map. 

The reason he didn't go for any of these ores previously was that, although they would give him more proficiency, the time and effort needed to harvest them was higher too, and there would usually be stronger and more numerous monsters around them. So the efficiency was around the same, but the effort he had to put in was higher. 

But since he got less Proficiency Points now, it's more effective to mine better ores.

Feng soon arrived at a Grade 2 Ore Vein on a Level 45 map. He chose this one because it had less monsters roaming around it. Of course, Feng wasn't worried about not being able to kill the monsters, he simply thought it would be tedious to repeatedly get interrupted while mining, dropping the efficiency of his Proficiency Point grinding. 

Even though there were less monsters around this Ore Vein than normal, Feng was still noticed not long after he started mining. 

As his pickaxe collided with an ore deposit, Feng noticed a tiger like beast made of stone sneaking up on him. 

[Stone Tiger] (Common Monster)

Level 42

HP 90,000

Feng ignored it and continued harvesting the ore. The Stone Tiger had no idea it had already been noticed. It continued silently approaching its death. 

Just as Feng finished harvesting the ore deposit, and got some Mining Proficiency Points, the Stone Tiger finally pounced on him. Feng had originally planned to unsheathe the Abyssal Blade and kill the Stone Tiger, when a thought suddenly occurred to him.

Through his twenty years of playing God's Domain, he had never killed anything with a pickaxe. Upon considering this, Feng abandoned his previous intention of using his sword on the Stone Tiger and spontaneously decided that he'll only use a pickaxe to fight today.

When the Stone Tiger was only two yards from Feng, it opened its mouth full of rock teeth, planning to crush Feng's skull. Feng responded by swinging his Epic rank pickaxe at its mouth.

"I have a pickaxe, and I'll put it through your teeth[1]."

As Feng's pickaxe collided with the Stone Tiger, he stabbed it through its upper jaw. Using the velocity from his swing, he continued the swing with the Stone Tiger still on the pickaxe, rising it above his head, before slamming its back against the ground. 

Feng unstuck his pickaxe from the Stone Tiger's jaw, and swung it again before the Stone Tiger could get up. The second attack stabbed though its head and took away the rest of its HP.

Normally, rock-type monsters have a very high Defense. Because of that, players usually have to put in more effort into killing them than regular monsters. However, pickaxes have a hidden feature which allows players to ignore the Defense of rock-type monsters to a certain extent. But as the amount varies depending on the rank of the Pickaxe, players don't use them in such a way because of the rarity of mining equipment.

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