Guess I Spoke Too Soon

435 21 33

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.

















You see that text that's in every chapter |? It's not just for decoration, I assure you. 

I've been recently rereading my previous chapters from the beginning, and wondering whether I had been illiterate when I wrote them. My memory of what I wrote isn't that good, but since people only occasionally pointed out some small grammar errors, I thought that everything was fine.


Complete clusterfuck. No idea what I was thinking when I wrote most of it the way I did, but after spending some time rereading and fixing the errors, everything should be fine now.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, but for the love of god, if you see an error, please point it out; so that I don't have a minor nervous breakdown when I finally notice it months later.

Note 1: If someone has enough time, and feels like it, you can go back through the fanfic and see the small changes that I made while also checking for any errors I missed or created when I was trying to fix it. A second opinion is always appreciated :) 

Note 2: Finally got my PC back!!!


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