Going All Out

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.


"I'll handle them. You guys stand back and watch if they call for any reinforcements." Stepping forward, Feng gave the command while pacing towards the golden gate and the wolfmen guarding it; while ignoring the astonished looks his unrestored guild members were giving him.

Although they had long since witnessed their Guild Leader's incredible strength, the aura of death they were currently feeling from the Grand Lord was leagues above the Great Lord rank wolfmen they had encountered so far. 

Just the Wolfstein Guard Captain's stiffening pressure alone was nearly enough to render them completely immobile, and it was unimaginable how much of it Feng, who was the Grand Lord's main target and focus, was enduring. Not to mention there were also the nine Wolfstein Guards, each of which seemed more powerful than any of the other Great Lords they had encountered so far.

Thus, the unrestored members couldn't help but feel doubtful over Feng's declaration to take care of all of the ten wolfmen by himself.

Yet, Feng didn't seem affected one bit by any of this as he casually moved forward. 

The gazes of the wolfmen turned towards Feng and focused on him as he approached them with a relaxed pace, as if he wasn't going against some powerful foes. 

After observing the opposing human for a moment, the Wolfstein Guard Captain took a step forward and warned "Humans, this is no place you should be. Leave now, and I will spare your lives." 

'It's actually giving a warning? Guess it's a lot more perceptive than I thought.' Feng didn't feel at all threatened by the Wolfstein Guard Captain's warning, and instead was intrigued by the Grand Lord's perception and intelligence. 

Normally, a monster serving as a guardian would attack as soon as any intruders approach its range, and only monsters with high enough intellect would be capable of communication with players. Though, even if a guardian monster was capable of properly communicating with an intruder, it would still attack regardless of that due to its role. 

Unless there's some kind of set dialogue, creatures serving as guardians of something would normally only talk to an intruder if the intruder had met some kind of special condition. 

However, choosing to first try to dissuade an intruder from continuing forward as a warning usually meant the guardian wagered that there was a possibility it would fail its duty if it confronted the intruder in a head-on clash. 

The Wolfstein Guard Captain's choice to give a warning to Feng's group signified that it was somehow able to sense Feng's strength and decided against immediately fighting. 

That was what got Feng intrigued, as monsters of such low levels usually had a very basic level of intelligence, and even higher level monsters would only barely be capable of communication with players. It's only much later in the higher levels that monsters would sometimes display this level of intelligence. 

Feng wondered if this was because of the Primordial Beast bloodline within the Wolfstein Guard Captain, as he had witnessed the intelligence of lower Level and Tier Primordial Beasts during the Twelve Trials, which was much higher than monsters of the same Tier; so, even though the Wolfstein Guard Captain didn't possess the complete bloodline and its density was much lower than of the ones Feng had encountered, as a Grand Lord which seemed to be around the Peak Tier 3 standard, it wasn't completely impossible for the wolfman to possess intelligence of a much higher level. 

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