Yeah, no. Unqualified

370 19 12

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also, give your opinions on something I should change or add


Subsequently, the two of them arrived at the smithy.

"Master Jack, I have collected the Meteorite Ore you asked for." Shi Feng handed over all of the Meteorite Ore.

"Not bad, young man. However, if you wish to become an outstanding Forger, you still need to have enough strength to obtain precious ore. There is a powerful Kobold Chieftain. Go kill it to prove your strength." Master Jack said eloquently as he stored away the Meteorite Ore.

System: Hidden Quest 'Road Of Forging'. Kill the Kobold Chieftain inside Crimson Star Mine. Time limit of 1 hour.

Following which, Shi Feng and Blackie cleared the way of Kobolds as they headed towards the deeper parts of the Crimson Star Mine.

Compared to the Kobolds at the entrance, the Kobolds inside were no longer Level 4; they were Level 5. They took more time and energy to kill.

Fifteen minutes later, Shi Feng and Blackie arrived at the deepest part of the Crimson Star Mine.

It was a large piece of empty land. There were over ten Kobolds mining for ore in the surroundings. There was a huge figure standing in the center of the empty area. It was a Kobold that wore armor, and it was constantly giving out commands to the other Kobolds.

[Kobold Chieftain] (Chieftain-rank)

Level 5

HP 2,100/2,100

"Let's clear out the other kobolds first." Shi Feng said as he threw a smoke bomb.

A few minutes later, only the Kobold Chieftain was left. With it being the only enemy remaining, Shi Feng took a step forward and rushed towards the Chieftain monster.

Wind Blade!

In the blink of an eye, Shi Feng arrived in front of the Kobold Chieftain and used a Level 5 Thundering Flash. 

Thundering Flash!

Hua! Hua! Hua!

Three streaks of violent thunder passed through the Kobold Chieftain's gigantic body, creating damages of -97, -117, -142.

The Kobold Chieftain finally reacted. However, just as it lifted its giant axe, another sword flash passed through an unprotected area of its body.


Another -136 damage appeared on the Kobold Chieftain.

The Kobold Chieftain became enraged when he was dealt the heavy damage by Shi Feng's surprise attack. The blood that leaked from its wound became its stimulant.

The Kobold Chieftain raised its giant axe, bombarding Shi Feng with one attack after another.

The Kobold Chieftain could not react appropriately to Shi Feng's previous surprise attack. It could only instinctively attack, so its attacks were aggressive.

Shi Feng easily dodged the Kobold Chieftain's attacks and landed some of his own while Blackie started shooting Dark Arrows. Although the arrows didn't do a lot of damage, they interfered with the Chieftain, which gave Shi Feng opportunities to land hits on its unprotected areas, slowly depleting its HP.

Very quickly, the Kobold Chieftain had less than 900 HP remaining.

"Ao! Ao! Ao!" The Kobold Chieftain started going into a frenzy. It threw its giant axe to the side, pulling out two machetes from its waist.

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