Finally A Clean Slate

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.


Feng slashed down.

Tier 3 Skill, Thundering Flash!

Unlike Thunder Flame Explosion, Thundering Flash was a Sword-type skill, so aside from getting its strength boosted by the Pandemonium Lashbalde from the Tier 3 Peak standard to the Tier 4 Basic standard, the Swordsmanship Great Grandmaster Title also increased its power.

Thus, the Thundering Flash Feng was currently using nearly reached the Tier 5 standard, causing a sea of lighting to descend upon District Five. 


Discipline Paradise looked down at the timer counting down to the end of his Quest's time limit.

Around half a month ago, he had triggered a high-ranking Quest by accident. At first, Discipline Paradise was ecstatic over his discovery, thinking that he had stumbled across an incredible opportunity. If he could complete the Quest, the rewards he could possibly obtain would allow him to become the overlord of the Evil Ghost Domain.

However, only later did he realize that this Quest was a curse in disguise of a blessing. With his strength, even getting any information on how to complete the Quest had been incredibly difficult, let alone actually doing what was required of him.

Despite his efforts, he was unable to complete the Quest he had foolishly accepted, and was now regretting his life choices as the last minute of the Quest's duration ticked.

Of course, he wasn't planning to go down without a fight, and had ordered his forces and the other parties of District Five to be battle ready, hoping that their combined strength and resources would be enough to endure whatever the penalty for failing the Quest was.

As the last seconds passed by, Discipline Paradise stood up and steeled his resolve, bracing himself when the time limit finally came to an end and the system notified him of his failure to complete the Quest.

Before Discipline Paradise could take a step or give any orders, unusual sounds of thunder came from the sky.

Crack! Crack! Shatter!

Dashing towards a window, Discipline Paradise took in the sound and sight of District Five's Magic Array breaking, followed by an intense light brought about by a sea of lightning that crashed down onto the town and eradicated everything in its path.

He activated a Lifesaving Skill, but the leader of District Five's Third Party didn't have a single shred of hope in surviving this heavenly disaster. 

System: Thundering Flash Completion Rate 200%, resulting in 100,000% of Skill's effect.

Instead of a Tier 3 AoE skill, when used by Feng, Thundering Flash was more like a top-tier Tier 4 large-scale destruction skill. 

Looking down at the destruction he had caused, the previous prosperous town now nothing but a charred crater, Feng nodded in satisfaction, descending majestically with his pure-white wings.

To put it simply, District Five had been an area enclosed within a gigantic Magic Array. There was a small town inside this area, and the number of players residing within this town was relatively low. Still, there had been several thousand players living here, their deaths having gained Feng many units of Life Force. 

Breaking the Magic Array and killing everyone was the easy part, though, and now the troublesome task, which had been plaguing Feng for quite a while now, came. Picking up the drops. 

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