No One Cares About A Past That Doesn't Exist

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add


As Feng stretched his body after logging off, he noticed that Fire had already logged off and gotten out of bed. Due to the two of them having their own things to do in God's Domain, it wasn't anything unusual to log off separately unless they agreed upon a time before hand. However, after getting dressed and leaving the bedroom, he didn't see Fire working out like she usually does, which he thought was irregular.

At that moment, Fire walked out of the kitchen carrying food while wearing an apron.

"Breakfast is ready." Fire said upon seeing Feng eyeing her weirdly.

"Did you make it? Wait, no, that's impossible..." Feng looked at the food in slight panic, wondering whether or not it was safe to eat, but thought it wasn't the case upon seeing that it looked edible. He knew for a fact that Fire was practically anti-talented when it came to cooking. 

This was a lesson Feng and the rest of Zero Wing's core members learned the hard way from when they were forced by circumstances to survive in the Greater World's wilderness while having to hunt and cook their own food. 

To be fair, very few people in the Greater World had any skills in cooking. After God's Domain came out, people started losing their normal day to day skills, cooking being among them. This was especially true for rich people and those with power. They would simply have other people and technology make food for them. 

The only ones who actually knew how to cook were those who learned the Cooking subclass in God's Domain, either out of fun and boredom or having no other alternative to turn to. Feng was among the wider populace who had no cooking skills, in both the real world and God's Domain, because he either didn't have the money, or the time to try learning. 

Although he could show you twenty different ways to serve instant noodles, and how to make a single cup last you for an entire day, anything else was basically beyond him.

In fact, out of all of Zero Wing's core members who were there, the only one with any cooking skills whatsoever was Violet. Despite that, most could still manage to simply hold the meat they obtained from the hunted creatures over the fire until it was edible. Fire Dance was not among that most. 

At a time when Violet and those who were better at cooking had been preoccupied, Feng thought it would be fine to leave the cooking to Fire, who was free at that moment. Something he would later learn wasn't a good idea, as she had somehow managed to either burn or ruin the food in ways Feng thought were impossible, completely by accident.

Feng had even considered the possibility of Fire attempting to get out of cooking duties by ruining the food on purpose. But, upon seeing the horror-stricken and guilty expression on Fire's face while looking at the abomination she had made, he discarded the thought. In the end they had to hunt for some more food, and have someone else cook it.

After Fire attempted to cook food on a smaller scale a few more times later on, and failing miserably, it was unanimously decided to not allow Fire to cook in any way, shape or form in the future. Fire felt like crying at the time, thinking she was cursed with horrible cooking skills.

"Of course not. I just heated it up." Fire replied, slight annoyance could be heard in her voice upon being reminded of her cooking failures.

"Then why are you wearing an apron?" Feng asked the thing that confused him and caused him to start this conversation.

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