A Decade Old Itch R-18

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add

Note: Purely smut chapter 


Pacing through one of the Workshop's hallways, Feng arrived at the living quarters and knocked on a door with the label 'Violet' on it. 

A moment later, the door opened, revealing a short, pink-haired girl dressed in a plain shirt and tight shorts, whose eyes lit up as soon as she saw Feng. 

"Big Brother Feng, you're here!" Violet smiled brightly upon Feng's arrival, and for some reason, she felt her entire body starting to heat up. 

"Yep. I'm here to deliver you the S-rank Nutrient Fluid." Feng casually spoke as he handed Violet the metal briefcase containing the last one of the S-rank Nutrient Fluids he obtained from Manager Xiao. 

"Oh, thanks." Blinking as she accepted the metal briefcase, Violet looked up at Feng as if expecting something, but he merely placed his hand back into his pocket and seemed to be preparing to leave, so Violet couldn't help but ask in anticipation "Is there anything else?" 

Feng looked back at Violet with confusion in his eyes, then he seemed to think for a moment before shaking his head. 

"No, not really. I just came here to deliver the Nutrient Fluid to you; though, aren't you gonna store it? It will quickly start to go bad if it isn't kept in low temperatures." Feng reminded, seeming like he was completely oblivious to the gaze Violet was giving him and the frustration building up in her. 

"Oh..." A look of faint disbelief appeared in Violet's eyes, as she wondered whether she was currently dreaming, or if that had been a dream, "Alright then."

She then turned around and went to store the S-rank Nutrient Fluid in the mini fridge in her room which was bought by the Workshop to store Nutrient Fluids in. 

As Violet placed the S-rank Nutrient Fluid in and was about to turn around, a pair of muscular arms suddenly embraced her from behind; surprising her slightly. 

"Actually, now that I think about it, there was another reason for why I came here to see you today." Feng pulled Violet closer in as he whispered in her ear the words she was praying to hear. Normally, she would have easily sensed Feng approaching her from behind with her standard, but with her mind being in a mess after Feng's little joke, she had been too distracted to notice him. 

Not that Violet cared anymore, though, as her entire body currently felt like it was burning. Feng noticed this as well while he embraced Violet and held her to his chest, but after seeing the deep lust in her eyes as she turned to look at him, with her face completely red as if she had a high fever, Feng instantly understood.  

Spinning her around, Feng lifted Violet's chin and placed a deep kiss on her lips, causing her entire body to freeze in place. Despite her waiting for this moment for a very long time, when it finally came, Violet's nervousness went through the roof and froze her in place. 

However, as Violet felt Feng's tongue prying open her lips and invading her mouth, her anxiety quickly melted away as Violet closed her eyes and reciprocated the kiss. Wrapping an arm around Violet's tiny waist, Feng lifted her up as their kiss grew more passionate while Violet's arms and legs wrapped tightly around him. 

Holding Violet up, Feng walked towards her bed while continuing their kiss, getting rid of their clothes along the way. By the time they had arrived to Violet's bed and Feng had set her down, Feng only had his underwear on, while Violet only lost her shirt, but Feng quickly pulled off her bra and released Violet's small mounds from their confinement. 

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