Sparks From A Candle

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add


The Dragon-Phoenix Pavilion was split into two Pavilions. One was the Heavenly Dragon Pavilion, while the other was the Phoenix Pavilion. Of the two, Nine Dragons Emperor controlled the Heavenly Dragon Pavilion, while Phoenix Rain managed the Phoenix Pavilion.

Although Nine Dragons Emperor looked quite young, he had merely managed to retain his youth due to the technology of this era and exercise. In reality, Nine Dragons Emperor's real age had long since passed 35.

Even so, the fact that Nine Dragons Emperor had been able to become the Pavilion Master of a super-first-rate Guild at the age of 35 showed that he was a promising talent.

However, Phoenix Rain was even more amazing. Despite still being in her early twenties, she had already become the Pavilion Master of the Phoenix Pavilion. As a result, the time when Phoenix Rain had reigned over the Phoenix Pavilion had been hailed as the Pavilion's golden age. During that time, the Dragon-Phoenix Pavilion had rapidly grown stronger.

At present, Phoenix Rain was the reason that everyone considered the Dragon-Phoenix Pavilion as a Guild that was closest to becoming a Super Guild.

Even the extraordinarily mysterious Great Pavilion Master of the Dragon-Phoenix Pavilion was willing to allow Phoenix Rain to succeed him, becoming the Great Pavilion Master.

Currently, Phoenix Rain wore a bright red mage's robe, the robe showcasing her exquisite figure. Every one of her actions carried an air of bewitchment, causing others to submit voluntarily.

"Hello, Guild Leader Black Flame. This young woman is known as Phoenix Rain, the Phoenix Pavilion Master of the Dragon-Phoenix Pavilion."

Phoenix Rain beamed a flourishing smile at Black Flame. In spite of the smile being incredibly mesmerizing, neither Black Flame nor Melancholic, who stood behind him, showed any reaction in the slightest to the woman's captivating smile.

Seeing Black Flame's and Melancholic's lack of reaction, Phoenix Rain's smile became more pleasant as she carefully observed them. 

From the reports she had received, she knew that this Cleric woman was a Refinement Realm expert appointed as the manager of the Candlelight Trading Firm, which was easy for Phoenix Rain to confirm by the feeling of danger she radiated and her refined movements. 

Her main subject for scrutiny, though, was the middle-aged man in front of Candlelight's manager, who was the Guild Leader of the mysterious and incredibly powerful Zero Wing, which had wiped out the entirety of the forces sent by Nine Dragons Emperor, including the War Dragon Legion, effectively crippling the Heavenly Dragon Pavilion for some time, and he was also the true owner of the Candlelight Trading Firm, Black Flame. 

After only a few seconds of being in close proximity, Phoenix Rain was quickly able to confirm the information she had previewed wasn't exaggerated, and possibly even failed to grasp the full extent of what kind of danger Black Flame was. 

Just standing in his presence caused Phoenix Rain's sharp instincts to scream at her to run away, while a deep fear of the man before her was rooted in her mind when Phoenix Rain looked into those void-like eyes that showed not a glimmer of emotion behind them. 

Yet, her powerful senses didn't even register his existence, as if he wasn't there at all, giving off no particular feeling.

If one didn't know any better, they could easily mistake Black Flame for an average passerby that didn't seem like a mysterious expert at all, a trait which had fooled the arrogant Nine Dragons Emperor, who couldn't imagine someone like Black Flame was much more powerful than he led on and able to get past his keen perception.

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