Regrets R-18

549 17 13

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add


Knock Knock

While Feng was in his office looking through some papers for the Workshop, there was a knock on the door.  

"Enter." Feng said as he took his gaze of the paper he was reading and looked at Fire Dance who just entered "What's up?" He asked, hoping it wasn't what he thought it was.

Fire hesitated for a moment, before she seemed to have came to a decision. A serious expression appeared on her face as she said "Feng, we need to talk."

'Here we go.' Feng sighed, knowing where this was going and what she wanted to talk about. He decided to try to stop her "Fire, listen-"

"No, since you don't want to address it, I'll do the talking, then. You listen." Fire immediately interrupted him.

'I think this is the first time she has ever refuted me.' Feng sighed again 'I guess she's seriously not letting it go this time.' Seeing Fire's stern expression, Feng knew there was no point in trying to avoid the subject again. They'll need to talk about this at some point anyway, so might as well let it be now. 

Seeing that Feng didn't try to stop her again, Fire became relived. If Feng was insistent on dropping the subject, she wouldn't know what to do. Fire opened her mouth to speak, but suddenly realized she didn't know how to say it.

'Shit. I should have thought of what to say first.' Fire didn't really have a plan. All she knew was that the obvious feelings she had for Feng needed to be addressed. But she hadn't thought this far ahead. She immediately regretted being impulsive and not thinking of anything before she came in here. 

Feng saw the predicament Fire was in, and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I think it's pretty obvious by now that I like you." After a moment of thought, Fire decided to simply say whatever was on her mind "Although I don't know when, I know you figured out how I feel about you, and not just me. You know how the other girls feel as well, but for some reason you chose to simply ignore it and pretended to be dense, avoiding all of our advances."

Feng was surprised by this revelation. He felt that he had played dumb quite well.

"You did play dumb very well. In fact, your act was flawless, and we even fell for it for a while" Fire said as if she knew what Feng was thinking about "But that's the thing, you're not dumb. You're one of the smartest people I know. So, if even the people around us could tell that we liked you, there was no way you, the recipient of all of our hints and affection, didn't realize it already." There was a hint of frustration in Fire's voice when she said that. 

"I had planned to just confront you about it when I realized you were being dense on purpose, but Aqua suddenly called in a group meeting with all of us. After talking for a bit, we realized why you might have been playing dumb. Either the situation in Zero Wing at the time, or you didn't want to hurt anyone's feeling by being with one and rejecting the rest, or both; though, now I see what another reason is." Feng was completely stunned now. He had never thought that he had been seen through to this point. 

"Thus, we decided to postpone our competition and stopped trying anything until the situation stabilizes a bit and the guild wasn't in danger anymore. If you still continued to ignore our advances because you didn't want to ruin the relationships between us by that point, we..." Fire stopped for a second to take a deep breath and continued with helplessness in her voice "...We came to an agreement that, since you refuse to choose, we'll all simply be with you."

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