How Angels Sing R-18

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add. 


The moment their battle started, and before Feng could move, the Fallen Angel immediately spread out her Mana Domain, greatly suppressing Feng, while chanting an incantation.

A second later, she finished preparing her attack, a giant magic circle releasing a powerful pressure appearing behind her as she pointed her flawless hand towards Feng.

'She can't be for real.' Feng stared with a blank expression as he recognized the spell Serena was about to hurl at him.

Tier 5 Curse, Seven Hell Redemption! 

Starting right off the bat with a Tier 5 Curse whose power reached the Tier 6 standard, Serena clearly wasn't planning on giving Feng any chances of actually passing the test. 

"Are you ready?" The Fallen Angel's seductive blood-red lips curled into a maniacal grin as the magic circle's glow greatly intensified. 

"Just a sec." Feng requested, several Levellume Capsules appearing in his hand, before he immediately poured the EXP within them into the Seven Luminaries Ring's Aura of Earth. 

The power of a Tier 5 Curse was no joke. 

Mana and space within the area were instantly suppressed, and along with Serena's Mana Domain, which she was no longer relying on the passive properties of to prevent Feng from getting away, there was no chance of him using any type of teleportation to get out of range. 

Dodging was also impossible, as a Tier 5 Fallen Angel's control over Mana and spells was incredible, and she'd definitely change the Cruse's direction in order to kill him. Not to mention, the speed of a Tier 5 Curse may not be something he could handle at the moment. 

Hence, his only choice was to block and survive Seven Hell Redemption. 

This was easier said than done, though, power at the Tier 6 standard not being something he could currently survive against using his own power or techniques. 

Feng's only hope was to level up Absolute Domain to a sufficient standard that it could allow him to live long enough against the Tier 5 Curse and find an opening to escape its range. 

Unfortunately, Feng's plead was entirely ignored, with Serena having only asked offhandedly, not intending to give her opponent any chances as she fired off the Tier 5 Curse before Feng could even finish speaking. 

Thought Acceleration! 

Heavenly Dragon's Power! 

Blade Liberation! 

Boosting his Reaction Speed and attributes, Feng's hands moved at lightning speed, retrieving the EXP storages and directly placing their accumulated experience points in the Seven Luminaries Ring as he watched intense flames erupt from Serena's magic circle and shoot towards him at an incredible speed that would be difficult for him to track in his regular state. 

Levellume Capsules were emptied like there was no tomorrow, his stock of EXP build up by Zero Wing's Mythic Hunt and several days of slaying Superior Mythic monsters afterwards, along with the gathered amount in the Dark Den, disappearing while the Aura of Earth rapidly rose in levels. 

But the speed of the approaching flames cast by the Tier 5 Fallen Angel wasn't to be underestimated, reaching Feng in a matter of moments. 

Thankfully, just as the Seven Hell Redemption Curse was about to collide with him, Feng upgraded the Aura of Earth to Tier 3 Level 1; using up most of his EXP in the process and not having enough to upgrade anymore by even one level. 

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