Did That Guy Just Stomp Him To Death?

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add


The sky was a dull grey. A full moon shone, scattering faint silvery rays throughout the tranquil forest. From the crystal clear lake, one could hear the croaking of frogs. Fireflies were dancing throughout the forest. The scene was like a fantasy from a children's fairy tale.

When Feng arrived, he immediately used an Isolation Scroll. The dazzling magical runes written on the scroll came rushing out, and Feng's body suddenly became blurry. If looking from a far distance, it was very hard to notice Feng's existence. Although he was Level 6 and could kill all the monsters here, it would simply be a waste of his time as the materials the monsters dropped weren't valuable and he wouldn't get much EXP because of the curse.

Following which, he equipped the Crimson Blade. After equipping it, even with only half of his attributes he still had 20 points in Strength, so he was able to equip the Sky Armor. He had never used it in his previous life, as he had gotten the Silvermoon set before he got the chance, and simply gave it to Cola later on. 

Afterwards, he headed towards the central region of the Moonlight Forest in search of Moonstones. As he didn't want to waste any time he avoided all the monsters along the way. After spending around an hour doing so, he arrived at a wide and towering forest made of stone.

Feng immediately rushed into the forest without hesitation. Along the way, he ran into Mountain Beast Fighters, which roared and chased after him.

[Mountain Beast Fighter] (Common Rank)

Level 9

HP 1100/1100

After seeing that a number of them had gathered, he started the slaughter. Although each gave him only around 20 EXP, his Skill Proficiency increased quickly. He proceeded through the forest while luring new Mountain Beast Fighters as he attacked the ones behind him. In such a way, Feng's Skill Proficiency Points increased without stop.

After three hours, Thundering Flash had risen to Level 4; Chop had risen to Level 6, Double Chop to Level 4, Wind Blade to Level 3, Defensive Blade to Level 2, and Windwalk to Level 2.

This increase allowed Feng to kill monsters with greater ease. He looted the drops before continuing. Two hours later, he finally arrived at the core of the stone forest. He went to the camp made by the Mountain Beast Fighters. After luring out the common Mountain Beast Fighters, another slaughter commenced, before he headed to the storehouse and heard a loud roar.

"Ao! Ao! Ao!"

A Mountain Beast Fighter, who was three sizes larger than its peers, rushed out from within the storehouse. The monster was covered in silver armor, and both its hands wielded a gigantic ax. Both its blood-red eyes stared tenaciously at Feng.

It immediately threw its incomparably heavy Mountain Splitting Axe. The axe flew like a rocket, reaching Feng's position in an instant. Of course, as Feng knew it was coming, he had moved out of the way before the axe reached him. Though even if he didn't know it was coming, he would have still been able to dodge it with his standards. 

Following which, the giant axe continued flying before landing on the ground a distance away, deeply penetrating the earth. Its landing caused the earth to start shaking. It could be seen just how heavy this giant axe was.

Feng then used Observing Eyes on the new monster.

[Mountain Beast Warrior] (Special Elite)

Level 10

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