Shopping Spree

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.

Note: Info dump chapter


A blue glow appeared in Feng's eyes, before he looked down at his chest where a blue fireball was.

Currently a dark, black spot tainted the spotless blue fireball.

Feng extended his hand, and the energy in his soul moved. It quickly surrounded the dark spot completely, before trying to pull it out of his soul.  A sting of pain made Feng narrow his eyes, but he didn't stop and continued dragging the dark energy. 

A few seconds later, the dark energy was finally removed from Feng's soul and confined within an aura of his soul energy. The dark energy struggled as it desperately tried to return to Feng's soul, only to be pulled further away by the blue aura. After a few moments, the dark energy collapsed and turned into mist after no longer having a soul to attach to. Feng's soul energy guided the dark mist out of Feng, where it was snuffed out by the pure mana inside the War God's Temple. 

Seeing the dark mist disappear, Feng put the matter of the soul curse to the back of his mind. However, he didn't immediately go on to buy stuff from the War God's Temple's treasury, instead he switched his gaze to the two new items inside of his bag that he picked up from the Atrocity.

After the Atrocity was killed, unnoticed by Feng, two items had dropped from its corpse. Feng had immediately landed on the ground and started resting after killing the Atrocity, not paying any attention to the Atrocity's corpse, thinking it was like the rest of the monsters in the Twelve Trials' trials. Afterwards, he was distracted by the Merit Points, and then the system notification about the Evil God cursing him.

Only as he was about to step through the golden door and leave the Twelve Trials did Feng catch a glimpse of the items from the corner of his eye. When he realized that he had almost left some precious items dropped by the Atrocity inside of the trial ground, Feng sweated bullets and quickly stuffed the items inside of his bag before leaving.

Now that he had finished dealing with receiving the Purple Stigmata from Kratos as well as the soul curse left behind by Aza, he finally had the chance to check what other gifts the bastard left for him. 

Feng took out the first item from his bag, which was a pitch-black heart that pumped every once in a while, releasing an evil aura along with Divine Might, and inspected it using Observing Eyes. 

However, all the information came back as Unknown. Realizing that Observing Eyes weren't able to identify the black heart, Feng decided to test out his newly gained Eyes of Truth. Within a second of using the Eyes of Truth, all the information that originally appeared as Unknown was revealed to Feng.

[Atrocity's Heart] 

A heart originating from a royal Atrocity that was taken and modified by a certain Evil God to be used as a conduit in order to create the perfect Atrocity. If one awakens the hidden power and inheritance inside of this heart, one will gain the powers of Atrocities and have the potential to obtain strength rivaling Primordial Gods.

"A Legacy item?" Feng was surprised when he saw the black heart's information. It was beyond his expectations that the Atrocity would drop an item that contained the Atrocity race's Legacy. Although Feng knew that there were players who submitted to Aza and became his followers and they could receive the Atrocity's Legacy, players usually had to pay a high price for it and they would only get low level Legacies.

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