Guilt R-18

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.

Note: This chapter has an R-18 scene in it, but still has some important lore and information. If you don't want to read the sex scene part, you can skip ahead. I have placed a warning before the scene and a message at the end to skip to.


Within a short amount of time, around half of the available living space in the Greenwater Villa was filled up with restored Zero Wing members, with Feng leaving the other half for other high ranking members whose memories have yet to be restored, while those with lower ranks in the guild who didn't manage to get a room would have to settle for staying in the Workshop, or use their own accommodations, and simply come to the villa for training. The same situation went for the unrestored members. 

Seeing that, and that everyone was either training their bodies or preparing to log into God's Domain, Feng headed to the top floor where the rooms of Zero Wing's core members are. 

Knock. Knock. 

After lightly knocking on a door twice, it was opened by a blue haired beauty several moments later, whose emotionless gaze trembled slightly upon landing on Feng, as if something beneath those ocean-blue eyes wanted to jump out and strangle him; but was restrained. 

"Aqua there's something I want to talk to you about, is now a good time?" Feng asked composedly, having spent some time thinking about how to bring up the topic of his relationship with the other girls to Aqua, knowing he shouldn't delay things any longer just because he was unsure how things would work out. 

"Sure." Aqua replied simply while moving from the door, allowing Feng entry, before closing it behind him. 

"I'll be straightforward, do you want to be with me?" Naturally, the straightforward way was the tactic Feng had landed on, feeling like it would be the most effective instead of using some roundabout method. 

Since he had already decided on forgoing his previous notion of ignoring how the girls felt about him in order to focus on everything else going on, and knew how deep Aqua's were from the many experiences during the previous timeline, while he had made it clear what his stance was on being with multiple girls by not commenting on Fire, Violet and Ruoxi staying in the same room as him, Feng thought that there was no need for him to subtly ask Aqua about it. 

A deafening silence filled the room, Aqua's face remaining totally blank as she blinked a few times, her gaze locked onto Feng. 

"Excuse me?" To Feng's proposal, Aqua's expression warped to one meaning 'Are you shitting me', asking a question while, to Feng's surprise, chuckling. 

He had expected multiple things to be Aqua's response when he had mapped out the conversation in his mind, but a chuckle wasn't one of them. 

Though, the chuckle didn't seem to be a humorous one of Aqua finding something funny, but one of absolute fury. 

Enraged chuckles continued to sound out from Aqua, getting close to turning into laughter, until it abruptly stopped, as Aqua cocked her head slightly to the side, while her expression no longer emotionless as her rage became apparent. 

"Are you fucking with me Feng?

The built up rage inside of Aqua turned into murderous intent as she glared at Feng with her fists clenched, and Feng wouldn't be surprised if she was able to achieve the Killing Intent Materialization standard by the way she was looking at him right now, the thought making Feng fail to notice not even her manifestation had formed. 

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