Seducer R-18

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IMPORTANT NOTE: Under the suggestion and encouragement from a few of my readers, I've decided to set up a Patreon for my fanfiction of Lucky Old Cat's novel "Reincarnation of the strongest sword god". 

There, people will be able to gain early access to future chapters by becoming a member, but, don't worry, I'm not planning on making it necessary to pay for the chapters and will still be posting them for free here as well as on all the other sites, just that those who become members of my Patreon will be able to read them earlier; probably about a week or so but still haven't completely decided. 

ALSO VERY IMPORTANT: Something that I'd like to clarify right now is that it's not my intention to steal LOC's work and use it to benefit myself, nor do I think it is ok to make people pay for a work of fanfiction like mine, and I have full respect for him as well as the original ROTSSG novel (even though I have some complaints about it as one could tell from some of my notes); it and how much I like rssg being the reason for me writing this fanfic and the effort I put into it. 

I simply wish to give my readers a way to support my work, as well as see if there's anyone who actually deems it good enough to be deserving of it, which will definitely make me more motivated and eager to write, resulting in more chapters coming out more frequently; while I'll continue to write and post completely free chapters here regardless of how it turns out. 

Here's the link to my Patreon and collection of this fanfic's chapters that I've posted there, one of which hasn't yet been published here. 

Now onto the chapter. 

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.

Note: This chapter has an R-18 scene in it, but still has lore and some important stuff. If you don't want to read the sex scene part, you can skip ahead. I have placed a warning before the scene and a message at the end to skip to.


(Continuation of previous chapter's R-18 scene. Skip ahead to the bolded text if you don't wanna read it) 

Unlike the Fallen Angel, Celestina's embarrassment hadn't decreased in the least, only rising as she gazed at Serena's erotic expression. 

When the Demon Empress had witnessed her master fuck the two different female humans, although she had been surprised by their actions along with the passionate sounds of euphoric pleasure coming from the two women, Celestina could still readily accept it due to knowing the nature of human beings. 

It wasn't all that shocking to see humans succumb to their desires and for the two girls to display such unsavory behaviors, regardless of their strength, which was very impressive for creatures of their tier according to what the Demon Goddess had previously witnessed. 

However, the woman getting boned by her master currently wasn't some lowly human female. 

A Tier 5 Fallen Angel! A Tier 5 Higher Being! 

Celestina couldn't believe that a creature of Serena's stature had reduced herself to such an extent, allowing a mere human four entire tiers lower than her to not only fuck her and play around with her body as he pleased, but also take such pleasure in Feng thrusting his dick inside her. 

Without a shread of shame! 

From the Fallen Angel's expression and unfiltered moans, the Demon Empress could tell that Serena was truly enjoying the dicking she was getting, which was what dumbfounded Celestina the most. 

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