Opening The Legendary Treasure Chest

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.


Maple City was also considered a major city in Star-Moon Kingdom's Eastern Region. The city had nearly one million players. This was also one of the reasons that many people had an optimistic opinion of Overwhelming Smile.

Aside from a few small Guilds, Overwhelming Smile was the only large Guild residing in the city. It had already chased any major competition out of Maple City. One could say that Overwhelming Smile had fortified itself in Maple City. It would be very difficult for other Guilds to cause even the slightest bit of trouble here. 

There were still several hours before nightfall, and the Overwhelming Smile members who had been forced to retreat from White River City were currently moving through Maple City in droves, going out of the city to grind now that they finally didn't have to be worried of getting killed by Zero Wing members.  

Due to the restored members, the Overwhelming Smile members trying to fight a war were getting massacred, especially the stronger members which were being targeted by the restored ones, allowing Zero Wing's elites and regular members to easily pick them off without the support of their top fighters. 

Thus, not only was the equipment of Overwhelming Smile's members poor after dying multiple times, but even their levels were lower than the average player, with only some of the elites and the experts being comparable. 

Now that they could finally go out and level up properly, the Overwhelming Smile members from White River City were rushing to the various maps around Maple City. 

Little did they know their nightmares have yet to end.  

At this moment, Feng arrived at Maple City and immediately headed to Dragon Ridge, Overwhelming Smile's main grinding location. 

Dragon Ridge was a Level 25 to 30 leveling area. The monsters inside consisted of Dragonmen. Dragonmen were born with thick scales and had inherited the unparalleled Strength of Dragons; they were natural-born warriors. Moreover, as they were a small branch of the Dragon race, Dragonmen also had an innate love for collecting treasures. Hence, Dragonmen had significantly higher drop-rates. There were also many quests available in Dragon Ridge that required players to deal with the Dragonmen, so many players loved to level here.

However, Overwhelming Smile monopolized the high-resource areas within Dragon Ridge. So, other players could only complete some Kill Quests for Dragonmen in areas with low monster populations.

With his speed, Feng quickly reached the inner region of Dragon Ridge and started looking for Overwhelming Smile members. 


Inside a restaurant's private room in White River City...

"What did you say?" Feng Xuanyang abruptly slammed his fist down on the table. Furious, he said, "Those bastards suddenly raised their price? Do they take us for fools?"

"Young Master, please calm down," the slightly chubby, middle-aged man advised. "They have not raised their prices without reason, but because they have the capital to do so."

"Capital? Advanced Forging Apprentices like them? Overwhelming Smile has no shortage of individuals of their caliber!" Feng Xuanyang's brows furrowed, a hint of killing intent flashing in his eyes.

Although his family was successful, he wasn't the only one competing to become the successor. He had joined Underworld precisely because he needed the organization's help to achieve his goal. Meanwhile, upon discovering God's Domain's unique standing through Underworld's inside information, he had immediately snatched the chance and invested in the virtual reality game. As long as he could create a legacy for himself, the matter of becoming his family's successor would be set in stone.

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