A Plan To Seduce A Primordial Demon Goddess

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"Die, you damn human."

Celestina clearly wasn't intending to have a peaceful conversation over a cup of tea with Feng, as she pointed her finger at the human in front of her, a huge amount of Mana gathering around it and instantly forming a pitch-black Magic Array.

Tier 4 Curse, Demonic Vortex!

A cone of purplish-black flames shot out of the Magic Array and flew at Feng. Despite the incoming danger which possessed power at the Tier 5 standard, Feng showed no signs of worry as he merely snapped his fingers. 

In the next moment, the Demonic Vortex fizzed out of existence as Celestina collapsed to her knees while clutching her head in pain. 

Due to her anger, the demon girl didn't take the time to investigate her current situation and condition, not pausing to wonder how this human had managed to summon her out into the physical world after she had been trapped inside of the Pandemonium Lashblade as only a soul fragment. 

What Celestina hadn't yet realized was that she was summoned by Feng via an item that allows for the summoner to completely control the being whose soul is inside the item. Thus, it was easy for Feng to force Celestina to cancel and remove all the Mana from her Tier 4 Curse; as well as force her to kneel while inducing soul pain on her. 

Though, Celestina seemed to have mostly realized her current situation after a moment of feeling soul pain and noticing the Spectral Animacell in Feng's hand. 

"Lowly human, you actually dare to-"

"I'ma stop you right there." Feng interrupted Celestina, already being able to predict how the demon was going to react and what she was going to bitch about. He had taken control over multiple Demon Gods using the Bible of Darkness in his previous life after repairing it and practically knew all of their dialogs after repeatedly listening to their rants since they could resist the Bible's control to some extent. 

'Damn mortal' this, 'lowly human' that, 'hOW DarE yoU!!!!!!!' were usually their go-to lines, and Feng had long grown tired of them, when the end result is the same anyway. Either making some deal that favored him if he was in a good mood and they are cooperative, torturing them into submission with the Demons forfeiting their souls to him, or he erases their conscience and turns them into a puppet. 

For Celestina, although they had been partners and something of comrades in his previous life, their relationship was mostly business, and there was no manner of friendship between them like he had with Sharlyn or some other NPCs, so Feng naturally had no issue with taking advantage of her when she was vulnerable in this life; and even planned to use the information he had on her, including the stuff she had trusted him with, for his own benefit in their conversation in order to achieve his goal. 

Of the three usual methods, Feng was unwilling to use the third one, as Celestina's conscience and knowledge were too valuable to him, and he was more inclined for result number one, but the second option wasn't at all off the table. After all, with her soul under his complete control, Feng had many ways to induce unimaginable torture on the demon girl, but he preferred to keep things as peaceful as possible in order to not sow discord between them. 

As long as he could form some kind of deal with Celestina that could benefit them both, Feng could leverage her strength during these times, and could get even more use out of her if she recovers her strength further. 

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