Taking Over The District One Of Fallen Comrades

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.


Sitting up in his Virtual Gaming Cabin, Feng  stretched his body, but even though he had been logged in for nearly a week straight without his physical body getting a chance to move around, there wasn't any sense of uncomfortableness due to the quality and quantity of the World Energy his body now naturally absorbed; along with the effects of drinking an S-rank Nutrient Fluid. 

A moment later, sounds of more Virtual Gaming Cabins opening were heard from the other four cabins in the room, which caused the originally fairly spacious bedroom to seem a bit cramped with five of them in it. Four beauties rose from the Virtual Gaming Cabins one after another, their flawless bodies causing a stir within Feng. 

However, he still had things that needed to get done, so, as much as he'd like to just spend the entire day chilling with his women and have sex, the fun stuff would have to be postponed. 

Since his favorite tracksuit previously got put out of commission by Aqua in her hurry for them both to get undressed, and most of his other clothes were either still at his apartment or packed in boxes when some of the stuff got transported to the Greenwater Villa, Feng just put on a plain white t-shirt and shorts that he had on hand, before leaving. 

As he passed through the training facilities of the villa, Feng saw the restored members of Zero Wing training their bodies using various machines. Normally, he or some of the guild's other experts would help and guide lower ranking members whenever they had a small amount of free time or weren't logged in, working to improve the strength of every member in Zero Wing. 

Now, though, he wasn't able to assist these restored members, as anything they needed to learn or work on could not be accomplished with their current physiques and Mental Strength, along with a lack of high-quality resources like the S-rank Nutrient Fluids or Life Potions, while they could manage the basic stuff that people would train at their current physical standard by themselves. 

Feng then left the Greenwater Villa and left for Zero Wing's Workshop that was nearby on foot, where there were members whose turn had come to be restored by him. 

While making his way to the offices in the Workshop, Feng witnessed more people training, but these were unrestored members who not only worked on improving their bodies, but also used the latest training equipment available for improving control that Feng had previously tasked Jing with purchasing after he had restored her memories. 

Nowadays, with the current technology, some of the latest training facilities could even speed up the improvement of one's physical control. These training machines were meant to correct the way a person used and exerted their power with the help of AI. They also had various other functions available

Only, these machines were useless to people who only sought to improve their strength and fitness. Moreover, they were extremely expensive. Each unit cost two millions Credits. Hence, the various training centers had not bothered to buy them.

Even martial arts dojos would only use some of the older models.

Currently, the various powers that had invested in God's Domain had not taken note of this, and Feng had taken the initiative while they were still available on the market and the prices haven't been inflated by everyone to buy a large number of them during these days using a significant portion of the Credits he had obtained from Twilight Echo. 

Although these machines were not as effective as the tutelage of a martial arts master, the latter could not possibly spend their every waking moment guiding others. With these training machines, players could receive guidance and corrections any time. If they also factored in the tutelage of the regular restored members who were all martial arts masters, the unrestored members with potential would very quickly become experts. 

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