A Different Side Of Melancholic Smile

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.


After the restored Zero Wing members who still had some Stamina remaining took down the surviving wolfmen, everyone sat down to rest. Feng landed and retracted his wings to take a rest as well as he observed the mountains of loot that have formed on the battlefield, along with the cracks running all across the hall after his usage of Shockwave, which seemed like it was about to collapse. 

Feng felt a bit mentally exhausted as well, since from the beginning of his battle with Anubis, he had to be in full focus while executing his movements at the Ascension Realm standard, while using Phantom Stride's potential to its fullest with extreme precise control of the created doppelgangers and their attacks consumed a huge amount of his Concentration. 

Along with his moves at the end of the fight and properly controlling the unparalleled strength provided by Blade Liberation on top of his own, Feng was left with only around a third of his Concentration. Though, his Stamina currently wasn't that bad, as he had negated much of his consumption thanks to the effects of Blood Soaked and him killing a large number of wolfmen just now. 

Blade Liberation's duration soon ended while Feng was inspecting the large piles of loot scattered as well as his guild members' conditions, his body shrinking in size like a deflated balloon while his attributes decreased by 80% for three hours; causing some of the unrestored members' eyes to turn at their Guild Leader's sudden change. 

Though, they weren't completely surprised by it, as they had witnessed a similar thing happen to Fire and Violet after their Twofold Berserk ended, and the auras around them dropping by a large margin. 

Something that Feng discovered after he saw the duration of the Weakened debuff, though, was that unlike in his previous life, his Weakened state would only seem to last for around two hours. Taking a moment to consider the cause of the debuff's differing duration, Feng wondered if it was because his current Physique was much more powerful than before. 

After all, Blade Liberation was currently only a Tier 1 skill, while after Feng equipped all of his Fragmented Legendary equipment, received Sharlyn's Full Blessing, and stuffed his face with around fifty Chocolate Sticks a day, his Physique had recently just barely reached the Tier 3 Basic standard. 

Thus the backlash of using Twofold Berserk at its current power which couldn't take full effect on Feng due to his already monstrous attributes for his tier must have been slightly decreased. 

A couple of minutes later once everyone had recovered a bit, Feng commanded a sweep of the battlefield while he went up the silver staircase to collect the loot dropped by the golden doggo and its lackeys. 

When he finished collecting all of the drops, even Feng couldn't help but become shocked despite him expecting good loot. Aside from the numerous rare materials and items dropped by Anubis's guards, just the multiple Epic rank items dropped per wolfman were of incredible value, especially the ones from the Royal Guards, thanks to them being powerful Humanoid Creatures with a very pure Primordial Beast bloodline in them. 

However, it was the items originating from Anubis and the Moon-howling Silver Wolf that truly shocked Feng. Ignoring the countless number of precious items, the Moon-howling Silver Wolf's best items that outvalued the rest of the wolf's drops were five Inferior Legendary materials, one Inferior Legendary ranked Primordial Beast Blood Consumable, a Tier 4 Summoning Scroll for summoning a Moon-howling Silver Wolf and a Fragmented Legendary ranked Helmet; which was universal similarly to Feng's Space Helmet and could be used by all classes. 

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