Blade Saint Once More

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add


"Since you already know about it, I doubt an explanation is needed. I need you to repair the Immortal Crown, otherwise, with our current strength, we will have no chance of resisting the invasion of the Endless Abyss. The Endless Abyss is simply too powerful. Meanwhile, the Stargazing Tower has already collected the other materials required to repair the Immortal Crown, and right now, we are only missing Immortal Souls. Initially, I called you here to help me collect Immortal Souls gradually. However, I had not expected the Endless Abyss to escape its confinement so soon. In order to repair the Immortal Crown quickly, we need a large number of Immortal Souls. However, I do not want others to know of this, so I have no choice but to ask you to complete this task by yourself.

"The magic array that keeps the Endless Abyss in place will not last long. By my estimation, it will hold out for another three months. In three months, we will have no choice but to face the Endless Abyss directly. Hence, you must collect 10,000 Immortal Souls within that time.

"However, it won't be easy, which is why I asked you to meet me here. There are many Legacies within the Stargazing Tower, and I had originally intended to let you use one of the Advanced Legacies, but now, I feel like it would be a waste of your potential and possibilities.

"Of course, if you can complete this task, I can even make you the lord of a city. You will possess your very own fiefdom."

System: You have triggered the Epic Hidden Quest "Immortal Crown."

Quest details: You are required to collect 10,000 Immortal Souls within three months. If you fail to do so, your soul will be cursed and barred from logging into God's Domain for one month. In addition, your soul will enter a weakened state for three months, decreasing your Attributes by 90% during this period.

System: Do you wish to accept Sharlyn's quest?

"Naturally, I'll accept the quest. It'll be pretty easy with my current strength anyway. But you don't have to worry about the Legacy I'll use, as I already have one. Though, I do need your help with it." 

"Good. Since you've agreed, the contract between us will be established from this moment onward." Sharlyn nodded and drew a silver rune in midair. She then imprinted the rune on the back of Feng's hand and asked, "What Legacy do you have, and what help do you need from me? You should know that I won't be able to do much now that I have given you my Full Blessing."

After giving away a Full Blessing, Sharlyn became completely drained of energy. Although she was still at Tier 4, the combat power and strength Sharlyn could currently exhibit was barely at Tier 1; and that's only because of her various equipment as well as the skills she possessed.

System: You have accepted the Epic Hidden Quest "Immortal Crown."

"Simple," Feng took out the Sword in the Stone and showed it to Sharlyn "I need you to unseal this thing. Only Tier 4 classes can do it." 

Sharlyn, immediately became serious upon the appearance of the Sword in the Stone. Indescribable emotions flashed in her eyes as she fixed her gaze on the crystal-encased sword in Feng's hands.

Sharlyn reacted as if the sword in Feng's hands had suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Just what is this? It actually escaped the detection of my Eyes of God." Sharlyn was momentarily surprised. Even as she looked directly at the sword, her Eyes of God could not discern any information. It was as if the sword before her did not exist.

Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God-Reincarnating Once MoreWhere stories live. Discover now