Thoughtful Rain's Identity

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add


Two hours later, Feng went to Beastman Munition Factory after storing all of the ores he had mined. Through the two hours, Feng managed to become an Intermediate Mining Apprentice and get some more Proficiency Points, pushing him close to becoming an Advanced Mining Apprentice. Moreover, the EXP he got from mining put him only a thread away from Level 16.

Outside of the Beastman Munition Factory, Cruel Blade and the others had already gathered at the Dungeon's entrance. They currently discussed their strategy to raid the Dungeon.

During the time they spent waiting for Feng, they challenged the Dungeon twice more. However, the end result was still the same. Obtaining the First Clear of a Hard Mode Team Dungeon was much more difficult than they had imagined.

Although they had managed to clear the Hard Mode of a 10-man Team Dungeon, some other Guild was already a step ahead of them by the time they cleared it. Right now, only the First Clears of 20-man Hard Mode Team Dungeons were available. However, the Hard Mode of a 20-man Team Dungeon was obviously more difficult compared to a 10-man Team Dungeon.

No matter how much thought they put into it, they could not come up with any methods to clear the Dungeon. They could only wait for Feng's arrival at the Dungeon's entrance. This was also a good chance for the team to get some rest.

Although Stabbing Heart had continuously recommended Feng, Cruel Blade did not place much hope in him.

After all, the Assassin's Alliance was an apex second-rate Guild. Experts were a dime a dozen within the Guild. Meanwhile, they had gathered 20 experts to raid the Beastman Munition Factory, but they still died under the first Boss' feet. What difference would an additional, independent player with good techniques make?

"Guild Leader, someone's coming," one of the Guild's scouting Assassins suddenly spoke in the team chat.

Hearing that someone approached, Stabbing Heart thought that it was Feng. Hence, he turned his gaze towards the entrance.

However, the person walking over was not Feng at all. Moreover, it was not just a single player, but a group of players.

This was a 20-man team. The members of this team all wore impressive equipment; practically all of them wore a mix of Bronze and Mysterious-Iron Equipment, with the majority being 

Mysterious-Iron Equipment. There were also a few players among them wearing Level 10 Class-specific Set Equipment that only dropped from Level 10 Team Dungeons. Although they were only individual pieces, at this stage of the game, they were definitely considered top-tier equipment to Guilds.

The leader of this team was a Guardian Knight. Judging by appearances, the man looked to be around 25 years of age. There was a nasty smile on the man's face. The man wore a mix of red and white-colored heavy-armor and carried a blood-red cross-shield and longsword.

"It can't be, right? That Shield Warrior has the complete Bloody Brilliance Set Equipment! That's a Level 10 Mysterious-Iron Set Equipment!"

"The glow from his shield and longsword show that they are both of Secret-Silver rank. How come I have never seen such equipment before?"

The members of Assassin's Alliance started a quiet discussion when they saw the leading Guardian Knight.

The Bloody Brilliance Set Equipment could only be obtained from Level 10 Hard Mode Team Dungeons. The fact that this group of newcomers had gathered a full set displayed just how powerful their team was.

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