Wolfstein Empire's Unimportant History

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.

Note: There's some softcore smut in this chapter, but nothing too crazy. 


Putting the thought to the back of his mind, Feng switched his gaze to the patrol teams who have already noticed their group by now and were charging at them.

Unlike the wolfmen Feng remembered seeing in the Land of the Fallen Star during his previous life, the Wolfstein palace's patrol teams moved in a well organized formation while being outfitted in matching uniforms and carrying various weapons and shields, seeming like well-trained soldiers on a battlefield as they charged as one.

Deciding to let the rest of his guild members deal with the approaching enemies, Feng stood back and allowed them to use the opportunity to train some more in group combat, as unlike the monsters they previously faced, these Wolfstein patrol teams seemed to have high individual combat standards, while their teamwork as a group would make it difficult for normal teams of players to face them.

This was also a good chance for those that have recently acquired different Legacies and Class Changed into them to test out their new skills and abilities, so instead of Feng just going ahead and massacring all of the Wolfstein Soldiers and Captains, he relaxed in the back while observing his guild members' progress as well as the surroundings.

Despite there only being a couple of Wolfstein patrol teams with each having only ten members, if another one of White River City's powers were to face them, they'd be wiped out unless they possessed overwhelming numbers, in which case they'd only suffer severe casualties.

For Zero Wing, though, there were no issues taking care of the patrol teams with only five hundred members. In fact, there weren't enough enemies. The regular members split up into groups to face the Special Elite ranked Wolfstein Soldiers, while the remaining wolfmen were dealt with with a restored member.

As for the Wolfstein Captains, they were similarly being suppressed by a restored member each, becoming completely unable to retaliate and land any hits on their opponents despite being Chieftains, only having their HPs drained.

The rest of the unoccupied restored members just sat around and grew bored as they watched all of the enemies being played around with, deciding to be faster next time in order to have an opponent to fight against and test out their current strength.

Naturally, these pups weren't of any threat to the restored members, as after promoting to Tier 1, many among them could even deal with all of the patrol teams present with enough time. The only reason they didn't immediately eradicate their opponents was because of the Chieftains' somewhat large HPs and them wishing to properly judge their current strength.

After a minute or so, the Wolfstein Captains that didn't have a lot of HP remaining noticed the situation their teams were in and that they were quickly losing, so they raised their heads to the sky and let out loud howls; the calls for help echoing through out the giant hall and the multiple hallways connected to it.

Footsteps could soon be heard approaching as another three patrol teams arrived at the giant hall, instantly surveying the situation and charging at the intruders who were fighting their comrades. The idle members immediately sprang into action, racing towards the just-arrived patrol teams and available opponents, with Flying Shadow and two other elite assassins being the first to reach them and take on the three Chieftains; while the rest of the Wolfstein Soldiers were quickly taken up as well.

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