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As the world around him darkened, Shi Feng felt weightless.

'Is this what death feels like?' He thought to himself.

Remembering everything that had happened, he was filled with regret. For messing up right at the end after ten years of hard work, for letting Fire Dance die... Also, his guildmates must have heard what happened and were rushing to help him, but they'll only end up with the same fate.

He felt even worse about it now. Not only had he failed Fire, he had also failed everyone else.

Di! Di! Di!

Shi Feng opened his eyes and stared at a familiar ceiling.

It only took him a moment to process what had happened and stare at that broken-down ceiling in disbelief. He couldn't believe it.

He had returned!

Di! Di! Di!

The continuous ringing of his phone shook Shi Feng out of his thoughts. He quickly grabbed the old and broken down iPhone 6, never would he have thought that he would hold one again, and answered.

"What's up?"

"Brother Feng, it's me, Blackie. You're still asking what's up? Didn't we agree to become professional gamers? Shadow Workshop is recruiting at our school today. Haven't you always wanted to become Shadow's core member?"

Shi Feng had never been so glad to hear Blackie's voice.

"Right... I'll be there soon."

"Alright, just come quickly."

After ending the call, Shi Feng took a moment to take in his surroundings, getting flashbacks of his time spent here in the previous two timelines. Looking at his reflection in the mirror, he looked very similar to how he looked like in his previous life.

Due to the advanced technology and resources like the Life Potion, Shi Feng had remained young in his previous life. The only difference now was that he was skinnier and his physique was nowhere near his previous one.

Shi Feng suddenly realized what that familiar sensation he felt was. He didn't notice it the first time he reincarnated, but this time, maybe because of his advanced mental strength, he felt something.

Although he wasn't quite sure what he felt, or how to describe it, it felt like something in his very soul had activated.

Speaking of souls, Shi Feng looked down at his hand and tried to spread his senses.

Suddenly, from Shi Feng's perspective, his hand looked transparent, and some blue energy running through it was visible. Looking at his chest, Shi Feng saw what looked like a blue fireball in the center of his chest. However, there were some black cracks running along the blue fireball.

This was his ability.

The ability that terrified those old monsters, without even knowing what it was. The ability that that person predicted will be a disaster... and he was right, it is going to bring disaster to them.

He originally didn't plan to use it in that way, but now, things were different.

He has changed his mind.

They predicted a disaster, so a disaster is what they'll get.

This was the ability to interfere with the very soul. With it, Shi Feng could decide the fate of any person he touched, and it wasn't limited to only destroying the soul, like how he did to that old assassin.

Thinking of the usage of his ability, an idea came to Shi Feng's mind. If he used it on someone's, soul he could change their memories. Normally this could be used to make someone loyal to you, or erase something they saw, or give misinformation to your enemies.

Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God-Reincarnating Once MoreWhere stories live. Discover now