Hero To The Rescue

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.


Inside Blue Mountain Restaurant, a high-class restaurant located in White River City's Noble's District. As White River City's upper-class area, the cost of living here was very high. It was a place that ordinary players rarely visited.

At this moment, however, there were actually three players, two women and one man, sitting under one of the outdoor gazebos of Blue Mountain Restaurant.

Of the two female players, one was a bright and seductive witch, while the other was an otherworldly fairy. Meanwhile, the man excluding a cold, murderous intent by their side also possessed a valiant look. 

"Snow, you can tell me who it is now, right? Just who is that mysterious person you called for?" Zhao Yueru whispered as she shifted closer to Gentle Snow's side, the expression on her face saying, "I won't tell anyone else."

"Don't worry. You yourself have met that person before. In any case, he'll be here in just a moment." Gentle Snow smiled faintly.

"I know them?" Zhao Yueru immediately started searching her memories, trying to recall all the experts she had met. However, taking into consideration the severity of the matter this time, she dismissed the large majority of them. In the end, she still shook her head and gave up. She truly could not figure out just which amazing character her friend had invited.

If Zhao Yueru had to point out an amazing character she had personally met before, then that would be Star-Moon Kingdom's number one expert, One-hit Asura Black Flame.

However, as the Guild Leader of Zero Wing, Black Flame was obviously not suitable this time. If they really were to invite him, those people might even disagree to hold the match and make up even more excuses.

There were countless players in God's Domain. Meanwhile, Black Flame managed to obtain the rank of 100 on the God's Domain Experts List, as well as being given the title of Asura by the Secret Pavilion. Let alone a single Star-Moon Kingdom, there were only a few players throughout the entire God's Domain stronger than Black Flame.

Looking at Zhao Yueru's defeated expression, Gentle Snow could not help but curl her lips up even higher.

If not even Zhao Yueru, someone who was extremely familiar with her, could guess the identity of the person she invited, then it was even more impossible for those people. Most likely, even if she were to reveal that person's name, those people would not know anything about that person, either.

Listening in on Gentle Snow and Zhao Yueru's conversation, the aloof-looking man's curiosity reluctantly grew as well.

The operation this time needed to be kept a secret. It was something that should not be told to outsiders. At the same time, this operation was of utmost importance to Gentle Snow.

Yet, Gentle Snow had done the unthinkable: she had actually requested the help of an outsider instead of choosing an expert subordinated to her. This decision had inspired both confusion and curiosity in him with regard to the expert who would arrive in a moment.

"Fierce, why didn't Nimble Snake come with you?" Gentle Snow asked, shifting her gaze to the impassive youth beside her.

The reason why Ouroboros was able to become a dominant force in the virtual gaming world was mainly due to a few reasons. Other than its Founding Members, Guild Leader, Branch Leaders, and Elders, it also had the Thirty-two Advocators and the Twelve Apostles.

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