You have weird tastes, Sharlyn, but I don't judge

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add


While looking through the loot, Feng became shocked. Arcus Maddox had dropped seven items, of which one was an Epic material and two were Epic items.

The Epic material was a material called Magma Crystal[1]. It was usually dropped in level 100 high temperature maps, and was used for forging items with fire attributes.

'I wonder if this will help when Seliora makes me the Blazing Meteor.' Feng thought to himself. The reason the Blazing Meteor came out as a Super Dark-Gold rank in his previous life was because of insufficient materials. With this Magma Crystal, however, it might reach Epic rank 'Well, I guess I'll see.' Feng put that thought away for now and looked at the other items.

One of the Epic items was a Spatial Bag. Although the Spatial Bag did not provide any Attributes or Skills to players, it could be stored inside a player's bag space and be used to store 12,000 slots worth of items. Meanwhile, the most amazing aspect of this Spatial Bag was its Built-in Warehouse. Players could store 300 non-bag space items such as Seven Luminaries Crystals.

The other Epic item were the Rocket Boots Arcus Maddox had been wearing. 

[Rocket Boots] (Plate Boots, Epic Rank)

Level 0 -  Level 50

Equipment Requirement: Agility 70, Strength 60

Attributes will be adjusted according to user's level. (Level 3)

Defense +100

Strength +20, Agility +30, Endurance +20

Movement Speed +20

Evasion +15

Ignore Levels +5

Additional Passive Skill 1 - Army Boots

When kicking, Ignore 50% of the target's Defense, Strength increases by 30%, Attack Speed increases by 100%.

Additional Passive Skill 2: Rapid Movement. [2]

Agility increased after receiving damage. Agility increases by 5% with every 10% decrease in HP.

Additional Active Skill 1 - Seraphic Speed

Agility Increases by 100%, Movement Speed Increases by 200%, Attack Speed Increases by 30%, Evasion +20 for 30 seconds.

Cooldown: 30 minutes

Additional Active Skill 2 - Rocket Boost

Lifts user into the air, allowing flight. Movement Increases by 20% every second for 20 seconds.

 Duration: 3 minutes

Cooldown: 3 hours

These Rocket Boots were forged by the Grandmaster Engineer, Arcus Maddox.

The Rocket Boots were indeed one of the godly escaping tools in God's Domain. With it, one could easily escape when met with dangers in the wild or when being hunted by other players.

Feng was unable to equip the Rocket Boots yet, so he stored them and looked at the other items. Of the remaining four items, one was a metallic key, one was a book and the last two were metallic boxes with the words Arcus Maddox carved onto them, like the one in which the map for the Philosopher's Stone was. 

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