Mountain Of Wealth

285 19 17

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add


The first thing Feng did after logging into God's Domain was to contact Gentle Snow and conduct the transaction for the Arclight Shields.

Gentle Snow pushed open the doors of one of the parlors of the Starstreak Trading Firm and entered the room soon after. Her equipment now was quite different from the last time Feng had met with her. Most of the equipment she had on were of Secret-Silver rank. Among them, the silvery-white greatsword that she carried on her back was even of Fine-Gold rank. Currently, Gentle Snow had already reached Level 16. It was obvious that she had been grinding nonstop, night and day, to reach such a level.

"Let's hurry up and make the trade," Gentle Snow said impatiently, not bothering to even take a seat.

"Here are the four Arclight Shields, please verify them." Feng didn't care enough to ask what had Snow in such a hurry, and he knew the reason anyway, so he didn't bother talking about it.

"Here are 400 Magic Crystals." Gentle Snow immediately called out her trade window.

The moment Gentle Snow inspected the Attributes of the Arclight Shields, her eyes immediately glowed, a hint of joy surfacing on her face.

"Excellent! The Attributes on these Arclight Shields are simply too good! I will need two more of these items. I wonder when you will be able to finish them for me?" At this time, excitement was evident on Gentle Snow's face. With these four shields, they would definitely have no problem clearing the second Boss.

"Right now." Feng said as he took out the other two Arclight Shields he had prepared. These were two of his last three Light-Gold shields, he only had a couple of Dark-Gold Arclight Guards left.

Gentle Snow showed a surprised expression when she saw Feng pull out two more Arclight Shields, but it quickly turned to joy. The two of them immediately finished the exchange, and Gentle Snow hurried off to dungeon clearing.

Feng, on the other hand, went back to forging Intermediate Mana Armor Kits while waiting for Fire to finish leveling the new members.

As time slowly passed, unknowingly, the competition at the Three Great Dungeons of White River City grew even more intense.

Dark Star, which was at the forefront in terms of progression, finally started raiding the final Boss of the Land of Death. Meanwhile, Ouroboros, which was placed second, started raiding the fourth Boss. The advance of these two Guilds greatly shocked the other Guilds in White River City.

"What did that woman, Gentle Snow, eat? How could their progression suddenly increase so rapidly?!" The Guardian Knight, Lone Tyrant, felt pressured after receiving the latest report from his subordinate.

"Don't worry. We spent almost five hours raiding the fourth Boss. At the very minimum, Gentle Snow would need two to three hours to finish it. We will definitely clear the Dungeon a step ahead of her," the burly-looking Ranger standing beside Lone Tyrant said.

"That's true. We've sent all our elites out this time, and our battle prowess is clearly stronger than Gentle Snow's team by a notch." Lone Tyrant also felt that he was being oversensitive to things. They would definitely be the first one to clear the Normal Mode of the Land of Death. Although there would be no announcement for being the first to clear a Normal Mode Team Dungeon, it would still make other Guilds know how fearsome Dark Star was, solidifying their position in White River City.

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