Without A Single Scratch

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add


"Let's get going, I'll explain the strategy as we walk." Shi Feng simply said and started walking while Blackie followed.

The other four wanted to ask if their leader had chosen the wrong difficulty, but seeing him move forward, it was obvious he knew what he picked.

"Brother expert, can we really clear hell mode?" Lonely Snow finally worked up the courage to ask.

"Relax. If I weren't certain, I wouldn't do it." Shi Feng said, before adding nonchalantly "It is just Hell Mode. Aside from the monsters here having a little bit intelligence, their battle methods being a little bit complicated, and their Attack, Defense, and HP are a little bit higher, there isn't much else. Oh right, there is also a little bit more monsters here."  

The others were slightly assured seeing him so confident, and they followed. 

Suddenly, a strong wind blew from the dark and gloomy forest, causing the trees to sway madly.

"Ao! Ao! Ao!"

After the howling wind came a furious roar that resounded throughout the entire Deathly Forest. Countless birds were scared, flying off into the sky.

Lonely Snow and the others were stunned by such an imposing aura.

"In a moment, Cola and I will walk in front. Lonely Snow, you walk in the middle and protect the Oracle. Blackie, you and the Summoner will walk at the back. Remember, you must not break formation regardless of any activities. Without my command, nobody is allowed to be the first to attack, do you all understand?" Shi Feng explained the basics of formations once to the party.

Under Shi Feng's lead, everyone walked into the forest.

The moment they entered the forest, everyone discovered that there were too many pathways through the forest. They did not know which one was the right path. However, Shi Feng had chosen one without hesitation. Everyone else closely followed him while being cautious of their surroundings.

After walking for about five minutes, they met their first monster. Shi Feng and Blackie remained nonchalant, but the others started to become tense.

"Don't act on impulse. Listen to my commands. Cola, you lure the monster over. Oracle, pay attention to healing. Everyone else, don't start the attack without my command," Shi Feng gave out orders.

The Guardian Knight, Cola gulped down a mouthful of saliva. He carefully walked towards the Night Rabbit's attack range. Everyone else was nervous to the extreme. Although this was only a Level 2 Elite, they were currently in the Hell Mode of a Dungeon.

However, everyone's nervousness was for naught. The moment the Night Rabbit with a person's height saw Cola, it immediately dashed over.

Cola had very successfully lured the Night Rabbit over. Moreover, he did not panic when he lured it. He retreated while using his shield to block the Night Rabbit's attacks. However, even though every attack landed on the shield, the damage was still terrifying; just a single hit dealt 42 damage. By the time Cola returned to the front of the party, his HP had already dropped by a third.

The Oracle, whose name was Drowsy Sloth, had good awareness. He had given out healing the moment Cola entered his casting range. However, every heal could only add 24 HP to Cola; it was completely not enough to stop Cola's HP from falling.

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