Little girl, you're starting to insult me now

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Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add


Currently, within the cramped rented apartment, the sunlight had long since seeped through the windows and scattered throughout the room. The temperature within the room was also starting to rise.

Feng took off the gaming helmet. He lifted up his body and stretched. Feng had gotten used to the comfort of the Gaming Pods in the Greater World, so he had forgotten this feeling of numbness. If he ever got out of it in a bad condition, it was usually his mind. If it was his body, it would be either weakness or pain, but not numbness. 

He started doing push-ups, sit-ups, and other forms of basic training. After training for half an hour, Feng's entire body was covered with sweat, so he took a shower. After getting out, he stood in front of the cracked mirror and looked at his chest. There was a sword scar over his heart, in the exact same place he was stabbed before he reincarnated. 

This was something Feng could not understand. If he has returned to his body from ten years before, why would the scar remain? Yet, none of his other scars were there, only it remained. Feng started thinking whether he had really reincarnated, or if it was something else. Moreover, his mental state was surprisingly excellent. The level of control he could exert over his physical body far exceeded that of the average Neutralizing Grandmaster. In fact, he was already nearing the Mental Strength Master standard.

After getting dressed, Feng started preparing some food. Just when he was about to dine on his cooked instant noodles, his phone started ringing. Feng looked at his phone and remembered about the school's recommendation when he saw it was Zhao Ruoxi. 

"Class Monitor, what's up?" Feng asked after answering the call.

"Shi Feng, hurry over to school. I failed to notify you of this because you do not live in the male dormitories, but now I'm telling you. At 11 o'clock, there will be an important matter being announced at Teaching Block 3, Classroom 401."

Feng looked towards the electronic clock on his table. It was already half past ten right now. He answered, "Alright, I'll go there immediately."

Cutting off the call, Feng immediately ate his instant noodles and went to school. Although he couldn't care less about the recommendation, he definitely wasn't going to let a shitty person like Ling Feilong get it. Moreover, since his social status was too low, he needed Ruoxi to invite him to the Fellowship Party in order to recruit some of Zero Wing's former experts, so he decided to let everything play out the same as in his previous life. 

Soon after, Feng arrived at the school, ignoring the abnormal amount of student he went to classroom 401.

The moment Feng entered Classroom 401, he could feel the air in the room was slightly odd. His classmates all shifted their gaze towards him, their expressions filled with astonishment. Shi Feng was like something that should not be there, yet had actually appeared.

The male students only glanced at Feng. They did not pay him any attention as they continued with their conversations.

Meanwhile, some of the gorgeously dressed females in the class sent Feng expressions of disgust. He ignored them and looked for empty seats.

"Fellow student Shi Feng, you're here. Find a place to sit. When fellow student Ling Feilong arrives, everyone in the class will be present." The female monitor, Zhao Ruoxi, had a calm expression on her face when she spoke to Feng as if it was all just for formality's sake.

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