Winners Deserve A Reward~

530 28 37

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add. 

Note: There's some softcore smut in this chapter, but nothing too crazy. 


"Shi Feng? Why is he here?" Xu Wenqing rubbed his eyes. For a second there, he even thought his eyes had gone blurry.

Xu Wenqing's memory of Feng was still fresh in his mind.

Previously, not only had Feng defeated the university's number one fighter, Zhang Luowei, with overwhelming strength, but he had also earned high praise from Chen Wu. Xu Wenqing had not expected Feng to actually appear at this place right now.

"It can't be, right?" Chen Wu was similarly stunned upon seeing Feng.

As he recalled, Feng was very amazing but had yet to reach the level of using internal force. At this moment, however, Feng was actually participating in this competition. It was truly shocking.

When both sides stood in the arena, Lei Bao and Feng contrasted sharply.

Lei Bao wore a black vest that placed his bronze muscles on full display. His muscles were not bloated, but instead were sleek like a cheetah's, giving others the feeling that his muscles were packed full of power. His disheveled hair coupled with his bestial aura and aquiline gaze made him seem exactly like a wild, ferocious beast. People would not dare to get even half a step closer to him.

On the other hand, Feng looked just like your average university student. He possessed neither a sharp, swordlike aura nor a tall, robust body. He gave others the impression that he was completely harmless to both humans and animals, that there was no need for even the slightest bit of vigilance towards him.

The battle between the two was a competition without any suspense. It was just like a fight between a ferocious lion and a cute little rabbit. There was absolutely no point to this battle at all.

Suddenly, it was as if cold water was poured over the hot passion of the audience members.

"Wasn't this a match between two masters? Why is there an ordinary university student here?"

"That's right, even if Big Dipper is trying to promote Master Lei Bao, can't they at least invite a slightly decent expert? What's the point of inviting a youth that hasn't even grown all his hair yet? Even I can take care of that little brat with ease."

The audience promptly burst into a heated discussion; they all felt that Big Dipper's Chairman, Xiao Yu, was lacking sincerity.

However, seated at a corner of the spectator stands, Zhang Luowei and Lan Hailong were both stunned when they saw this scene.

"How could he be a martial arts master?" Zhang Luowei looked with bloodshot eyes full of disbelief at Feng standing in the arena.

Even until now, he still took to heart the defeat Feng had dealt him. During this period, due to the damage Feng had done to his body, Zhang Luowei has been covered in casts and bandages, being completely unable to move his arms, while walking has also been incredibly challenging after Feng had shattered his ribcage and damaged his spine with a kick.

Only after consuming many Nutrient Fluids and receiving treatment with state-of-the-art medical equipment had he barely recovered enough to get out of bed and struggle to this arena, hoping to see a battle between martial arts masters and learn something. If god looked down upon him, he might even be able to somehow befriend one of them; all in preparation to have his revenge on Feng once he recovers enough to fight again.

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