Chapter 4

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We had a fun night, eating together, talking, laughing but the gentlemen didn't talk that much but they were jamming with us; at least they were smiling and laughing a little bit.

As for mama Antonio, ended up drunk with his friends. And then leaving going in the street as we were accompanying them.

"Mama, let's go to the car and go to the hotel." I said whilst holding his arm as he was stumbling and moving around.

"Nooo... I wanna stay with my best friends." He said stubbornly as he fell on them and laughed. Oh gosh this is gonna be hard to separate them.

I walk a little bit to the guys and whisper, "What should we do?" I ask as we were all looking at the three stumbling, circling around in the middle of the road.

"We can't do anything if they don't want to be separated. All we have to do is drive them safely in their own houses." Said William as we all agreed and nodded our heads.

William and Theo hold Aunt Carlo and Guilio as I help my mama Antonio to get in our car when they all refuse to go inside and wanna be together again in the same car.

"Yup I guess that's not gonna work either." Said Theo who was kneeling on the ground whilst still holding aunt Carlo.

"Let's just all be separated. You two accompanied aunt Carlo and aunt Guilio... take the Escalade and me and Iv we'll drive together." I looked at him by surprise and the two just agreed.

Damon opened the door for me to get in and I couldn't say no more. We started moving and so did they.

Damon was driving with one hand with a straight face on the road and he looks so fucking uniquely handsome. He drove his wagon as we're behind them.

It was so quiet to be honest and so awkward. I don't even know what to say.

"So, I heard you guys just had y'alls Milan fashion week?" Well speaking off, glad he talked first to break the silence.

"Yeah... and tomorrow me and mama Antonio we'll be coming back to New York." I said as he turned on the left.

"Have you ever been in a fashion show?" I ask. He smirks and looks at me and turns in front.  "No." He responded as I pouted my lips.

"Why not? You should go sometimes with your friends." I convinced him to go so he can see what it's like to be in a Fashion show and I wanted him to go to one of ours.

"You know we're gonna have another fashion show next month but it's gonna be in Paris, you guys should go." I said happily as I wanted him to come to one of our shows.

I don't know why I keep forcing him and begging him to come, maybe because I'm just into fashion that I want people to see especially if it's created with my so-called mama Antonio.

He hit his car brake as we stopped. I looked around and was in our hotel. I guess I didn't notice that we were here already.

He got out of his car as I was unbackling my seat belt when he opened the door for me and lended me a hand to get off.

He accompanied me inside as we said goodbye to each other. I was walking to go to the elevator and onto the fourth floor... When it was about to close Damon was standing there with his hands in his pocket looking at me and said, "I'll try to go to Paris next month to watch your show."

I didn't get to say something as the elevator closed. I bowed my head down as I'm smiling and flattered. He's definitely a green flag unlike the others.

The next morning, Mama Antonio and I had a little breakfast before leaving Italy to fly back to New York and of course we didn't have to leave at eight o'clock because he had a hangover.

It's now eleven o'clock and we're about to take off. I rested throughout the whole flight because I didn't get to sleep that much last night thinking about everything that had happened this week.

I'm sure the girls did have fun with their little vacation. Anyways we've arrived in New York and headed home but I decided to go to my company to go visit again.

I took a shower and changed before going in there as I did let my assistant know that I'll be working there for a few days but I'm not sure yet since it depends on my schedule.

As usual I came in, greeted my people, went around to look at them, how they were doing, etc. hours went by as I was feeling so lonely again.

I was in my office when my assistant knocked on my door. "Come in." I said whilst looking at my files that are on the table. "Good afternoon, Miss. Hayes I just want to let you know that you're gonna have a board meeting with the other Business Marketing in two days." She said.

"Sure sure, just set a reminder on my phone and I'll be there." I tilted my head to look at her and smiled. I have been signing papers since I've been here, you know, why not do it so I can do my part as the CEO of this huge company I built five years ago.

"And also, the other entrepreneur said that they're going to introduce some new clients to be partners with us." I signed my last paper and put it in the folder as I looked at her and nodded my head. New clients? I guess that could work.

"New clients? Do you know who they are? Where are they from? And what kind of business do they do? Is it gonna influence our company stocks?" I said concerns as I rested my hands on my chin.

"That... I could not answer for now Miss Hayes but they said they are the most helpful and won't be trash to our company." She said confidently as I raised my eyebrows. I guess I'm gonna have to trust her and the other's guts about these new clients they are introducing to me.

I may be kind and respectful but when it comes to this I'm not that easy to just accept them to be part of my company. Who knows what kind of suspicious business they're doing and being part of the Hayes Empire.

I am very strict when it comes to being a Business Partner. If I find them in a very low or struggling to make their business go up and use other people's business to make something, well you went in the wrong direction; this is not the company you're going to need.

It's not all about money but it's about the people who are working with me, the people who were working there for the last five years since I built this place. I don't want them to not be paid in case something horribly happens if I just accept some other Business.

I gotta work harder and clever on what's best for me, my people and this whole company.

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