Chapter 19

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Ivanna chose the rest of the designs for our wedding and it was intimidating especially because she's still giving me the look.  But it turned out to be good, our invitation card will have a moon theme and a butterfly since she likes it.

I'm fine with everything since this is what I want for her; I'll be happy for whatever she wants. We did everything we have to get for our special wedding day and I'm sure this is gonna be memorable.

"Alright, Sir Ma'am everything will be ready and we'll make sure that we'll get on time perfectly." Said the lady who arranged everything. And now our last destination to go, the venue and the church.

We stood up and were ready to leave when Ivanna's phone rang. We continued to walk and be on the road as I gave her privacy on their phone call. I ain't gonna lie I was trying to listen to the conversation so I'll know who it is.

She put the phone down and said, "Mom just called and said that we're all going to have a family- friends dinner tonight." She smiled and held her hand. "I guess we're gonna have to have our outfit then." She giggled.

*An hour later*
We went to the restaurant my mom told me to go to and we found them all sitting, full of bodyguards around, and of course the place is upstairs and vip. They were talking normally as usual and I haven't noticed anything weird yet but probably discussing things that will be part of the wedding.

"There you are." Said Mrs. Eros as she stood up and walked towards us. "Let's have a seat and we'll discuss some things that we have to discuss, alright?" We nodded our heads and sat down, as we sat at the table waiters and waitresses started to come in and place the foods on the table.

"So, I heard you guys went somewhere today?" Ask Mrs. Eros. I smiled sweetly and said, "Yes, we did a cake tasting, we went looking for a theme for our wedding, tasted some foods that will be served and many more."

They were happy when they heard what I said. I couldn't express my happiness on this day but I know for sure this will be the grand royal wedding we've all dreamt of.

"Oh I see, what did you guys choose for the theme?" Said my mom. I looked at Damon who was smirking, his hand on my lap. "Well we choose a moon and a butterfly theme for our invitation cards and souvenirs and for the wedding will be a royal wedding."

They started to look at each other and raised their eyebrows and giggled... I don't know why but I think they don't like it. It makes me feel embarrassed. If they don't like it we can still change it.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask. Then Damon's grip is getting tighter by how he holds my lap. "It's nothing, it's just the theme that reminds me of all of us. The moon being us, and the butterfly being you guys." Said Mrs. Eros.

I was confused by what she said... them being the moon? And us being the butterfly? That doesn't make sense at all.

Damon clicks his tongue and looks at his mother. "Don't even start mom!" He said with an attitude in his voice. "Alright alright we're sorry for giggling. If  that's what you want, we'll go with the theme." She wink at me and gives us a thumbs up.

"Whilst we're all eating, why don't we discuss a few things for the wedding?" Said Mamà Antonio as everyone is waiting too.

"Have you guys chosen if it's gonna be a beach wedding or a church wedding?" Added Aunt Giulio and took a bite at the same time. I put my head down letting Damon answer him for us.

"It's gonna be a church wedding. We want it to have a religious and spiritual dimension and God to be part of our marriage." He scooted me closer to him and held my waist as if someone would take me away from him.

"That's a good choice to make, let god be part between you two's lives." My mom replied to his answer. I turned beside me and looked at him for a second... eyes to lips slowly and kissed him.

I can feel that everyone is staring at us right now but who cares? I'm getting married to this man, bitches! The two of us will now be together.

"You're turning me on, Snuggle Bear." He whispered and bit his lower lip. I covered the side of his and chuckled as he gave me a small little smile and held my right hand.

As the two are being clingy and fluttered, people around them are silently watching and being a third wheel.

"Wow... is this what it feels like to be single?" Said Theo who straightly drank his whiskey. William, next to him who was just giving a smirk and avoiding to look at Damon and Ivanna.

The two love birds didn't care who and where they at since they were busy being sweet and never showed their adorable sides in public before.

Two mothers leaned to each other and started to gossip around, "Aren't they a perfect  match for each other?" Valentina Eros said to Luna Hayes and they both looked at them happily.

Ivanna's mom is smiling but her eyes are tearing by how she looks at her daughter. She was remembering her late husband who passed away and not being here for their daughter's special moments.

She was holding her tears back as Valentina noticed that she was about to tear up. "I'm sure he's proud of her. He's always there for the two of you, he never left. He's here for you, mother and daughter."

She put her warm palm to her heart feeling her touch and comforting her when Luna hugged her future in law. "We are so proud of her and we'll always be proud of my daughter."

Luna added and wiped her tears. "Correction, OUR daughter." Said Valentina and they both laughed together.

"Pardon, we kinda got carried away." Said Ivanna as she fixed her dress. "We're planning to get married in a church and that's gonna be final. Where? If you would ask, we want it to be in Sagrada Familia in Barcelona."

She said cheerily and gave them a huge smile on her face. Friends and family of them don't know how to react to it whether they're going to cry, be happy, excited or the fact that they couldn't believe they already know everything they would do for this grand wedding.

"Ottima idea, Eros! La Sagrada Familia è una delle chiese migliori e sorprendenti del mondo. Bravo!" Carlo stood up from his chair and clapped his hands to cheer on their church picks.

Ivanna looked at Damon confusedly and squinted her eyes. "Great idea, Eros! Sagrada Familia is one of the best and amazing churches in the world. He said." Damon translated to her and she agreed and wink at him.

Damon couldn't handle it anymore as he kissed Ivanna on the cheek. He hugged her a little bit tighter as he was shuddering by her. "Ti amo." He whispered to her ears and her eyes widened.

She blushes and controls her feelings so as not to lose it. "That was odd. I may not speak Italian but I did understand what that means." She said and looked him in the eyes as he was already looking at her.

Damon is giving her a smile and his eyes are shining like a diamond. Body language doesn't lie and so is his looks at her. He was so in love with her that even gave Ivanna a sweet chills down her spine.

She came close to his ear and said, "I love you from infinity." Damon didn't blink and just looked at her beautiful eyes but for Ivanna she cannot handle the heat.

"Well, I guess this dinner is gonna have to wait." Said Mr. Eros jokingly, slid in the back of his chair.

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Sorry I updated late, I kinda did a little break and I went on a vacation.  But I'll be now updating whenever I finish up each chapter. •ᴗ•

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