Chapter 66

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After the show, backstage* Damon and the four came to her as usual. "You slay again, princess." Said her mom and Ivanna smiled. "Your mom is right but I noticed in the first round you almost lost it. What happened?" Antonio Dante said as a fashion designer he immediately noticed something was up.

"Oh it wasn't really serious, it was just the outfit I was wearing was a bit tight and there's a metallic thing in it that kinda gave me a backache and I almost ran out of breath." She then replied and that got Antonio curious about the styling and design of the outfit.

"Did you tell them about what happened to the outfit?" He said.

"Yeah, one of the stylists kinda warned me that it might be a little different so yeah."

"Are you alright now? Do we need to go to the doctor to check you up?" Antonio asked.

She shook her head and said, "Oh no no we don't need to do that, I'll be fine." She replied when they called the models to have a picture together.

"I'll be right back." She said, "I need to talk to the designer of today's show." He said and looked at them a little differently.

The next day, day five of the show* And as usual the same thing from yesterday, her team are doing her hair and making her relax for another day for another show once again and Ivanna is asleep.

Her team didn't care about it because they know that she also had tough days, that she also had to wake up early to get ready, and did not get enough sleep.

After a few hours they all went to the destination where the show is gonna be held and everyone is getting ready, people are arriving at their seats. Backstage is now crowded and rushing and walking back and forth getting ready.

Ivanna's makeup and hair is done, she's only gonna have to change. "Our theme for today is a ball party and you're wearing a glittery fitted strapless dress with a small fur coat around your shoulder." Said her stylist as they were zipping up.

"That's gonna be fun." She replied whilst being prepared by them. "Perfect! You're good to go." She said and Ivanna walked closer to the stage as they're now starting anytime soon.

"In three... two... one... and go."

As they walked one at a time, Ivanna's expression didn't seem too fabulous as before. She was zone out and not even moving an inch— she's even wearing high heels right now ha.

But there's something off in her mood today, she feels like she's so done on this week's show. I can't blame her for feeling like this.

She started walking on the stage again, and she caught people's attention on the dress she's wearing as it was designed by Lima, one of the greatest fashion designers in history.

As she stopped and posed at the end of the stage before going backstage, she felt a horrible pain in her chest that she lost the straight face and made an irritating expression.

She stayed professional until she reached the backstage and she was gasping for air. Some of the crew were sick, worried that they helped Ivanna sit and gave her some water.

"Ivanna are you alright?" Asked one of the crew. "I think so, I feel cramped in this dress that it flatten my breasts so hard and it makes them hurt." She complained and stood up to change.

"Can you still model for our last outfit?" They asked. "Of course, it's only gonna be quick too anyway." They then moved and went to the dressing room.

A minute later they went out as a few makeup artists were retouching and changing a few of her looks and were rolling in a minute.

Ivanna endured the feelings she felt while walking on the stage but her husband was feeling worried but did not show her the worriedness he was feeling but instead he showed her his support.

This time, they met Ivanna in the car instead of backstage because of how crowded it was and the ladies had a moment with the designers and everyone.

"—alright you too." She replied to one of the people as she got into the car and the paparazzi was taking tons of millions of pictures.

She immediately kissed Damon as they left the place. "How are you feeling today?" He asked her whilst driving. "Well we kinda had a few issues on the outfits but eh... it was perfect." She replied as he nodded his head a little.

"Is that all?" He added and Ivanna scrunched her forehead. "What do you mean by that? She asked, looking at him confusedly. "I noticed you had an irritating quick change reaction on your first round of the show so I thought something was up."

"Oh that, I don't know what happened to me but during my runway I felt so cramped from the dress I was wearing and it hurt my breasts and I felt like I'm running out of breath maybe because the dress is a little uncomfortable even the outfit yesterday."

"Hmm... was it not your size? Or was it too small for your size?" He asked, concerned as he gave her water. "Thank you... I think, maybe, maybe it didn't fit my size cus I've never been not happy with the outfits I wore whilst modeling.

"That's odd." He said in a low tone and turned on the side of the road. "Aunt Anton was also worried about what's happening to you so we wanted to make sure if things are going well." She held his hand and smiled at him as she was thinking that she's so lucky to have him.

"Thank you for being here with me."

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